Setting things in motion

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[Your POV]: 

You stood in your new backyard with it's entirety covered in snow. The cold winter wind breezed by you as you glanced towards the front gate. In front of it stood a man around the same age as you, maybe slightly older. It was hard to tell. He wore a hood and a balaclava under it so you couldn't see his face. His eyes, covered in shade, glared at you, yet there was this unknown familiarity behind them. His hood and balaclava joined under his armor. He wore a black and red armored chest piece with golden shoulder pads. His sleeves were tucked away behind steel forearm guards. His hands were exposed, but you didn't perceive them as a vulnerability, quite the contrary. The chest armor transitioned into a gi, which reached all the way over his shins.

His trousers had multiple reinforcements, but what caught your attention were multiple pouches filled to the brim with sharp weaponry. You looked back into his eyes, which were still covered in shadows. He turned around to look around the garden. When he did you caught the glimpse of a symbol on his back. It was a head of a fire breathing dragon. Over this insignia however was a scabbard and in that scabbard a sword. He turned back to you and reached for it. You instinctively reached to your back and grasped a sword of your own. You didn't pull it out yet however, as his words, words of an unknown stranger, stunned you. You never met him in your life, yet you felt like you've known him for an eternity.

"In the end I got my wish. I get to witness your genesis. More so I get to be the crucial part of it."

"And what part of it are you stranger?"

"Your entrance exam."

With that he drew the sword and the sight stunned you. It's looks. It was a beautiful gold and black katana. It's blade was entirely black with a beautiful hamon, reaching from the point to the blade collar. The blade collar transitioned into a golden dragon head that seemed to be trying to consume the blade. The eyes of the dragon held two crimson red rubies and the handle was golden with a black cord wrap wrapped all around it allowing the gold to peak only through the diamond shaped gaps. The moment he grasped the blade with both of his hands the sword caught fire. It was a beautiful golden flame that danced around the blade, burning timidly as it's master desired it to. He looked into your eyes and for the first time you could see them. Their color. You've seen it before. That beautiful deep blue. They were almost identical to Nino's. The discovery shook you, so much so that you ended up waking up.

You looked around grounding yourself back in reality. You were still in your classroom but you must have fallen asleep during Damian's exposition. It seemed emptier than you last remembered. Non the less the dream was way weirder than your usual visions. It was clear as an untouched sheet of paper. It was as if you've been through these events already. What was that though? You glanced over to the desk in front of you and to your disappointment you found it empty.

'Playing hard to get are we?' you thought to yourself as you stood up and started packing your things. When you were nearly done however you received a text message. Reading it you felt as if God was testing you.

Lil Bro

Fuutarou: You won't believe this. Yotsuba has decided to join the track team.

Y/N: You're kidding me.

Fuutarou: I know right. Now when tensions are at an all time high she goes and does this.

Nightrunner's butterfly [Nino Nakano x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now