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[AN] I know I know, I'm late. So I made up for it by making this chapter a bit longer. Hope you enjoy.

[Your POV]:

 Waking up in cold sweat became a sort of a norm for you, yet you would never get used to it. You were once again hunted by the ninja clad in red and black. You brought yourself into the bathroom and took a cold shower trying to sort your thoughts. As you washed your hair you noticed a streak of silver hair in you hairline. You sighed and hid it away from the world. As you left the shower you took a long look into the mirror thinking. Your muscles were still the same, maybe showing slightly more but what caught your attention was your arm. It stuck out like a sore thumb but that wasn't the problem. The problem was the meaning behind it. Every day you hid it you were lying to her. You sighed.

How long were you willing to lie to her about you. At some point you would have to tell her about what was going on. It hurt you just thinking about it. On one hand you wanted to tell her from the start, to not keep any secrets from her but on the other you were afraid of how she would take it. Would she leave you disgusted knowing you were deceiving her the entire time? Would she accept you for what you were? You had so many thoughts running through your head it honestly made your head hurt. You decided to postpone telling her as that way you could prepare for it. You put on your glove, tied a towel around your waist and walked out of the shower. The moment you did however as you wound up around the corner you accidentally bumped into Nino, who went head first straight into your chest.

"Oh, sorry babe, I wasn't looking where I was-" You weren't even able to finish the sentence as she walked past you without saying a word. You raised an eyebrow as this was a first. When she was walking away however you noticed a huge blush forming on her cheeks, which made you smile nervously as you were unsure of the implications.

Walking to the kitchen you noticed her sitting at the table brushing her hair. Not wanting to ask questions you fired up the stove and remembered how horrible of a cook you were. Thinking about which recipe you would mess up the least you reached for a couple of eggs, ham, salt and pepper. As your omelette was heating up you snuck a look at Nino who was still brushing her long hair. Each brush was so light, so beautifully executed it made you rethink her words. Deep down her love for her sisters knows no bounds. You smiled and served the slightly singed omelette.

"I didn't know we were eating charcoal today."Nino snickered. You bit your lip and sat down opposite of her.

"Me neither. But to my defense, it is a completely different stove than what I'm used to."You both chuckled and then silence befell the two of you again. As you ate you felt the urge to ask about your dream intensify. You sighed, and put down your chopsticks, much to Nino's surprise.

„Say Nino, by any coincidence do you happen to have like a cousin, or a relative about our age?"As you finished the sentence she raised an eyebrow and for a second seemed to be thinking.

„No, I don't think so. Why?"You chuckled nervously and thought for a second whether to tell her or not. Eventually you settled on telling a half truth.

„You see I keep having the exact same dream. On a certain winter's eve a hooded guy holds me at gunpoint and that person has the exact same eyes as you do babe."When you finished she seemed stunned, but then broke out into all out laughter.

„Darling you should really lay off the video games cause that's one insane dream."

„Yeah, I probably should."As you finished eating and took away the dishes you noticed Nino heading back upstairs. When asked for a reason, she simply shrugged it off saying that she's taking a break so she can prepare herself to face one of her sisters. You sighed, threw your bag around your shoulder and sprinted off to school. The day went by pretty uneventful, except for Fuutarou and Itsuki who came asking about Nino's whereabouts. When you gave them the answer they sighed and walked away to find Yotsuba who became the third thorn in your arse in the meantime. You had no business with the three of them as you wanted to solve your part of the problem first. Henceforth when you passed by Miku, you handed her your address and gave her heads up to come and visit today. And with that the two of you walked home. You would have welcomed her in, but Blaze was as unrelenting as ever, dragging you off to training.

Nightrunner's butterfly [Nino Nakano x Male reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt