The beginning of something new

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[AN] Hi guys, I know, it took me forever to do this one. I had lots to do and couldn't keep to my schedule. It was also a pain in the arse figuring out how to write this chapter. The goal was there, I just couldn't figure out how to get to it. Then school began and I have more chaos then I've  ever had in my life. Don't worry, I'll keep on updating, however when we get to April, It's more than likely I'll take a long, long break due to my finals. After that, I'll have an endless supply of time to write. While that's still in the stars, I have this book to write, and after that, I have a few projects in mind, that I can't wait to share with you. I also decided to move my the AN section up here. Well, time for me to stop rambling and get to the chapter. Like one man used to say: "Allons-y!"

[Y/N's POV]:

Y/N: And that's what happened

Michael: Damn, looks like that girl will be a pain the ass.

Y/N: You said it, she's nothing but trouble. It's a shame though, I really wanted to be friends with her.

Michael: Friends you say, and why her?

Y/N: I don't know, she's pretty, easy to talk to, at least I assumed she was. Has a nice aura. Always smells good.

Michael: Creepy.

I realized what I just said and blushed.

Y/N: I-I mean she seemed wholesome and outgoing. That's why I wanted to be friends with her.

Michael: Just friends you say?

I swear i felt my skin heating up. Due to Michael's laughter I must have turned beet red.

Y/N: Stop it, It aint like that, you know. I mean, she's pretty and all, but I don't think she's girlfriend material for me.

Michael: And that's where you're wrong buddy!

Y/N: Huh?

Michael: Gosh you're so dense. Okay, let's try this then. Why do you think she's not the girl for you?

Y/N: Well, the fact that she drugged my brother?!

Michael: She seems to be the defender of the family. She must have done similar things to earlier tutors. You may have been the ones she finally overdid it against.

Y/N: Well what about the fact that she seems to keep up with the latest trends?

Michael: Well, you did that at some point too, didn't you?

Y/N: I grew out of it and found myself my own style.

Michael: You think she won't?

Y/N: Okay, but what about her personality?

Michael: Okay, that's enough. You're comparing her with the quote on quote "Perfect girl". Breaking news palm head, no such girl exists. Every one of them is unique in their own way. From what I've heard, she's the epitomy of a tsundere. However, that's just the surface level. There could be so much hidden deeper on the inside. You just have to take your time and slowly make your way down there.

Y/N: You're right, arguing won't solve anything. Besides, you're allways right.

Michael: So, you admit you have feelings for her.

Y/N: Stop it!

Michael laughed at the flustered me. Can't blame him, if I had the chance, I would have probably done the same. 

Y/N: Okay you teasing me aside. If I want to make my brother's and therefore my own life easier, I have to find a way to find a common ground with Nino.

Nightrunner's butterfly [Nino Nakano x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now