Ashton and Michael sat down in the couch, looking up at Ty as he cleared his throat. "Drake is back with his crew" he announced, making everyone in the room send angry glares.

"Are you fucking with me right now?" LL asked, looking furious. Ty gave him a glare.

"I wouldn't fucking joke about something like this"

"Why are they back?" Michael asked.

"They will try to get back at us, that's for sure. We ruined everything they had, they must be trying to plan something back at us" he said calmly, making Ashton irritated but he didn't say anything.

"He has a son," Ty started and directed his attention to Ashton and Michael, "and he's started at your school. I don't know how he looks or how old he is, but it's your job to find that out. When you find him, you take him here. I don't want him dead, okay? I don't fucking care if you punch him or whatever, but he will be alive when you get him here. And don't you dare get caught, have I made myself clear?"

"Yes" Michael spoke up and Ashton simply nodded, looking uninterested.

"I said," Ty repeated, slowly making his way over to Ash, "have I made myself clear?" he growled.

Ash looked up at Ty with a bored expression, his arms crossed over his chest and the cigarette still hanging from his lips. "Sure, whatever" he shrugged.

Ty snatched the cigarette from Ashton's lips and pressed the lighting tobacco stick against Ashton's collarbone. Ashton hissed quietly, not wanting to show any pain. He gritted his teeth as the cigarette quenched against his skin.

"Have. I. Made. Myself. Clear?" Ty said in a harsh whisper. Ashton looked him in the eyes, hazel meeting hazel as the color in their eyes darkened because of their anger.


"Good, now go to school and do your fucking job"

* * *

Luke walked onto the school parking lot with music blaring from his headphones. He looked at the school in front of himself and nodded. You can do this Luke, he thought to himself as he walked into his new school. Students were running around in the hallways and chatting with their friends before the bell ring.

Luke isn't really the most confident dude out there, but he doesn't mind socializing. He wasn't that afraid to start a new school in a whole new state, he mostly thought it was kind of exciting. He was kind of worried that he being gay would be a problem around the students at the school, but that still didn't mind him that much either. Luke was confident in who he was. If he didn't respect and love himself and his own sexuality, then why would anyone else? If he embraced it, people would be more respectable.

Luke was on his way to the principal to check in and get all the stuff needed for his new start. He took off his headphones and hung them around his neck as he walked past the many students. He got some looks and smiled, which he returned as he walked though the hallways.

He wasn't going to lie, he had tried to make himself look slightly more attractive this morning so people would send him some extra attention. It seemed like it was working, because he got a few appreciative stares, but mostly from girls. He didn't mind though, even though he didn't like girls in the romantic way, he was still very open to be friends with them.

Luke walked into the principal's office and was met by the front desk lady. He cleared his throat and the older woman lifted her head to look at Luke. Luke smiled politely like he always does, making the woman smile as well.

"I'm here to get my schedule, I'm new" Luke spoke up, still smiling, showing off his polite and good boy personality.

"Oh well, welcome to East Dawn High School, what's your name, sweetie?" she asked him. Luke thought she was a nice old woman, almost like a loving grandmother.

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