11|Right Back Where We Started

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Song: Right back where we started from - Maxine Nightingale

Octavia's outfits:

Octavia's outfits:Flashback-

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(+white leather gloves)

Hughes Residence/ Mental Hospital/  Hughes Residence-

Hughes Residence/ Mental Hospital/  Hughes Residence-

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(+black leather gloves)


Octavia yelped as she fell from the portal and her back slammed onto the pavement. She groaned as she pushed herself up off of the wet ground, looking around she realised she was in an alleyway. The portal above her disappeared and the sky went dark again.

She stood up and stumbled, slightly disoriented from travelling through time and then falling from the sky.

"Five?" she called out, looking around her, "Diego? Klaus?" she was alone. Feeling like she was being watched she looked over her shoulder and saw a guy with a camera take a photo of her from his window.


She left the dark alleyway, and walked down the unfamiliar street, glancing around with a frown on her face. "What the hell did you do Five?" She muttered as she walked down the rain-wet street.

"Hey beautiful, what you doin' wandering round alone at this time of night?" a guy called towards her from where he stood a few paces ahead of her outside of a bar with another guy.

Octavia didn't engage, instead, she turned to cross the street without a glance in his direction, however, before she could even take one step into the road the guy had closed the distance between them and grabbed onto her arm pulling her back. "Listen, I'm not interested," she said calmly.

"And I'm not interested in your whinin'" he said making his friend laugh, she tried to pull her arm back but he dug his fingernails into her arm, "come on baby, have some fun with us," he said bringing his other hand up to play with the ends of her long hair making her lean away.

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