02|Run Boy Run

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Octavia's outfits:
The Umbrella Academy / Meritech Building / Work -

Octavia's outfits:The Umbrella Academy / Meritech Building / Work -

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(+ white leather gloves)

The Umbrella Academy-

(+ white leather gloves) [⚡️]

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(+ white leather gloves)

*At the sound of their mother ringing the dinner bell, the eight Hargreeves children hastily made their way down the stairs and into the dining room.

They each stood behind their chairs and waited for their father to join them so that they could sit down.

Reginald strode into the dining room and pulled out his chair at the head of the table, "sit." He barked before sitting down in his chair.

The eight children wordlessly took their seats. Talking was forbidden during mealtimes in the Academy, Reginald preferred to enjoy an educational record while he ate and none of the children was permitted to interrupt.

Octavia took her seat beside Ben, opposite Vanya. They all began to eat in silence, only the sound of their father's record and the clinking of cutlery could be heard.

Despite the lack of conversation, this was not an orderly mealtime. Ben was reading a book while he ate, Diego was scratching something into the side of the table with his knife, Klaus was rolling a blunt, and Octavia had a sketchbook in her lap on which she was doodling a comical drawing of her father with a disproportionate head and monocle. Luther and Allison were smiling and making lovey-dovey eyes at each other.

Suddenly, Five stabbed his knife into the table making everyone jump and look at him.

"Number Five?" asked Reginald.

"I have a question," said Five.

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during mealtimes." Said Reginald, "you are interrupting Herr Carlson."

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