06|The Day That Wasn't

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Song:Dancing in the Moonlight -Toploader

Octavia's outfit:

(+black leather gloves) [⚡️]WEDNESDAY 8:15 AM

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(+black leather gloves)

"Three days?" asked Allison. Octavia, Luther, Klaus, Diego and Allison were all gathered around the bar in the academy living room with coffees discussing the upcoming apocalypse.

"That's what Five said," said Luther.

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it." said Klaus, "he just left out the part about how soon,"

"But can we trust him?" asked Allison, "I don't know if you've noticed but fives a little..." she whistled and pointed to her head.

"Our little psycho," Klaus chuckled from where he sat on the floor in front of Octavia, leaning against her legs.

"He was pretty convincing," said Luther.

"He told me about the apocalypse but he told me not to tell you guys, he left out a lot of details," said Octavia and she sipped her coffee.

"You knew?" asked Allison, "and you didn't say anything,"

"He told me not to, he's a scary little bastard," said Octavia in defence, "plus he was very adamant about the fact that we could not do anything about it so what good would I be doing?"

"If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him." Said Luther.

"That's why they were after him?" asked Diego.


"What did five even see?" asked Allison. Octavia shrugged, "he wouldn't tell me exactly," she said and Allison turned to Luther.

"Uh... apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible." Said Luther with a nod. He clicked his tongue and stood up walking from the bar to the couch, "okay. So here's the plan. Uh, we go through dads research—"

"Wait what?" Said Allison.

"Hold on, hold on," said Diego.

"Wait a tick, wait a tick, wait a tick." Said Klaus.

"What are you not saying?" asked Octavia.

"What actually happened the first time around?" asked Klaus. "Yeah, what are you not telling us?" asked Diego, "come on, big boy, spit it out,"

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