10|The White Violin

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Song: Saturday Night - City Roller

Octavia's outfits:

(+white leather gloves) [⚡️]

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(+white leather gloves)

The had house began to rattle violently like an earthquake. "Yo, What the hell is going on?" asked Diego as he met Klaus, Luther and Pogo in the hallway.

"Are those explosions coming f—"

"Vanya," said Pogo, cutting off Klaus's question, "we need to get to safety outside the academy,"

"Don't forget mom," Luther yelled as Klaus and Diego ran down the hall into Diego's room where they had put Octavia who was still unconscious from the sedative.

The house shook violently, dust crumbled from the ceilings and photos fell off of the wall.

After they had cleared the hall, Vanya came up from the elevator, though she was different, not herself. Her eyes had turned white. While her siblings escaped the house She walked calmly through the halls and over to Klaus's room and opened the door. Inside she saw a young Ben and Young Klaus getting ready for a mission.

"To go on a mission, Vanya, you have to have a power." said young Ben.

She turned around and walked over to Diego's room. Unfazed as Klaus's room exploded behind her. She opened the door to see a young Diego and a Young Octavia in their academy uniforms, fighting over a glove and a Knife.

"Give me the glove and I'll give you the knife!" said young Octavia holding the knife above her head out of young Diego's reach, who was doing the same with her glove, before looking over at the doorway, "Vanya! What are you doing in here?" She yelled.

"What do you want?" yelled young Diego, "get out!"

Vanya walked away and the room exploded behind her. She opened Allison's door to see young Luther and young Allison sitting very close together. When the door opened they sprung apart.

"Just get out!" Young Allison yelled as young Luther scrambled to close the door again.

Vanya turned around again as the room exploded.

Elsewhere in the house Klaus and Diego carried Octavia moving as fast as they could. "Come on sparky, wake up," Klaus was yelling as they searched for Grace.

"Mom!" Yelled Diego, "where is she?" He exclaimed In frustration when she wasn't sitting at her charging station.


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