chapter 15

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Nikolai's pov

The glass of wine in my hands smashes as I clenched my fingers a little too hard against it imagining it to be the neck of the moron in front of me. The rich liquid spilled staining the table cloth and a few glass shards punctured my skin.

His eyes strayed too much
Too low
Somewhere where they shouldn't be.

Most of all he made her uncomfortable.

My fist flew towards his nose and a crack sound resonates throughout the area followed by a scream of pain. I grabbed the collar of his shirt, lifting him against the wall. My fingers itched to go towards the gun holster on my pants, grab my gun and empty all the bullets in his head.

I was just about to punch him again when two arms wrapped around me from behind making me leave his collar causing him to fall and I turned towards Rea. The anger still evident in my eyes.

"Nico calm down" she said wrapping her hands around me trying to calm me down. The familiar nickname fell from her lips making the anger disappear

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have called you that without asking. I wouldn't..." she started to ramble before I cut her off

"It's alright. You should call me that from now on" I said before turning back towards the moron who is shivering on the floor
"You are fired." I said in a cold voice making him nod and run away.

"I apologize for losing my temper love. This is not the date you deserve"
When I decided to take her on a date, I wanted it to be perfect for her and I ruined it.

She deserves nothing but perfection.
I am not perfect but I am selfish and I will try to be as close to perfect as I can get for her

"It's okay. He deserved it so I am willing to not judge you yet and give you a chance" she said.
Whenever I think I can't fall more in love with her, she proves me wrong.

She calls for a waitress and asked for a first aid kit and plucked the glass shards out of my hands before disinfecting the cuts and wrapping a bandage around my hand with so much care that I haven't felt in 9 years.

She also asked them to heat up our meal and to bring another glass of wine for me.

"Is this your hotel?" She asked probably because I fired the waiter
"Yes. Do you like it?" I asked seeking her approval. This is one of the hotels which is mine and not my father's. I designed everything myself
"It's gorgeous. I really like it" she said making my heart soar from pride

"So tell me about yourself" I said trying to know her. The new her. That's what people do on dates according to Ronan.

"What do you want to know" she asks instead.
I don't know what to ask for considering I know more about her than she knows about herself.

"Favorite colour?" I asked
"Lavender. What about you?"
"Bluish green, the exact shade of your eyes." I answered honestly causing a blush to rise on her cheeks.
"You are cheesy" she said

And we conversed for the rest of our meal just like that. I came to know her likes and dislikes. And I like how most of the things are still the same as before. The old Astrea is still in her

"Let's go. we have one more place to go"


We are at the ice cream parlour right now. She loved ice cream and I hope she still does.

I love you too. more than cupcakes and icecream
Her words echo in my head. It was the first time she told me she loved me.

Her excited expression confirms that she still likes it.
"Cookies and cream in a cone" I asked since it used to be her favourite flavour
"How do you know?" She asked in astonishment
"Just a wild guess"

I ordered cookies and cream for her and a vanilla for me. I almost forgot the taste of ice cream since it's been 9 years since I had it. It reminded me too much of her.

We ate our ice cream and Rea even shared hers with me. I had a really nice time and I want to make her mine but it's too soon.


I opened the door for astrea and we walked to her penthouse door.

"Is this where you are supposed to give me a goodbye kiss?" I asked wanting to feel those lips on mine after so long

Just when I thought she was gonna close the door on my face she wrapped her arms around my neck and her lips met mine.

It feels magical. The familiarity of her lips and the taste of her made me feel dizzy. I had been longing for this and right now it feels almost unreal. The kiss is soft but sensual. I don't know what to do for I have never kissed before. The few pecks we shared as children barely counted as kisses.

Her lips move against mine softly seemingly as inexperienced as mine. But it's perfect.
Because it's her and me.

She pulled away breathing heavily. Her cheeks adorning a blush and I feel mine heating up too making her look at my cheeks with wide eyes causing me to avert my eyes.

"Goodnight " she said shyly before kissing my blushing cheeks and walking in leaving me touching my lips and smiling like I had never before

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