chapter 6

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The room is dark. There is not a single ounce of light there. And in the corner of the room sat a girl covered in scars. The wrists and ankles of the girl are bound in chains and blood is dripping down the floor from the various wounds printed on her body.

The only thing keeping her alive is hope.
Hope that her parents will find her and take her away.
Hope that her brothers will scare her monsters away.
Hope that she will get to see her Nico again.

The door to her cage opened and just like every day, she hoped that maybe someone is finally here to save her.
Only for the hope to shatter when she was greeted by the same monster that haunts her.

"Playtime doll" the monsters dark voice greets her. The same voice that is her biggest nightmare.

'Someone please save me' she thought just as a whip lashes her back followed by several others.

Astrea's  pov

What was that?

My chest moves up and down and my breathing is heavy. I have another one of those dreams.
My head is throbbing with pain.

"Are you okay?" A deep voice with a hint of Russian accent asks startling me.
I looked up to find a gorgeous looking Nikolai sitting in the chair beside the bed. His hair is slightly damp which means he just showered.

"What...what are you doing here?" I asked confused as to what is he doing here.
"Well this is my house" I looked around the room and find myself in an unknown room.
"What am I doing here then and who the heck changed me?" I asked him noticing myself wearing a black shirt instead of the outfit I wore to the club.
Did we sleep together? But I don't feel any soreness and I think we are supposed to.

"Someone drugged you and almost raped you before I found you and brought you here" and that is when everything hit me.
The party, daniel leaving, someone drugging my drink, that man touching me, Nikolai saving me and beating up the man.
My breath started coming short and I am almost on the verge of a panic attack before Nikolai brings my head to his chest.

"Breath. Try to match your heartbeat with mine. You are safe. He is gone and he will never bother you again" he rubs my back and I try to follow his instructions. I can hear his heartbeat and I tried to match mine with his. He whispers sweet nothings into my ear and his voice calms me.

"you are okay now"
"Thank you so much Nikolai. I don't know what would have happened if you were not there." I said gratefully

"It's no problem"
"Um..who changed me" I questioned again
"I did" he said causing my eyes to widen
"I didn't look. I don't take advantage of sleeping women. I just thought it would be more comfortable for you" he said rubbing the back of his neck causing me to relax.

"You can shower and borrow some of my clothes. I will prepare some breakfast for you and give you a lift to your house" he spoke up
"You don't need to. You already did so much for me"
"It's nothing" he said leaving me alone in the luxurious bedroom.

I took a quick shower and got ready for the shirt and sweats that Nikolai gave me. After that we ate the delicious pancakes that he made. And we are now on our way to my penthouse and I am contemplating on how to ask for his number while he is driving. I want to see him again and whoever said girls can't make the first move is a jerk.

He arrived outside the building and got out of the car before opening the door for me.

"You have something you want to ask?" He said startling me
"How do you know?" I asked perplexed
"You have been glancing at me and then looking away. Ask whatever it is?"
He got some brains there.

"Can I have your number please?" I blurted out before I can talk myself out of it.
I expected him to say no or look at me weirdly but he simply took out my phone from his pocket.
"Your phone was ringing constantly yesterday and I already saved my number In it. " he said handing it to me.

"Goodbye, we'll meet again soon"
He left and I simply watched him with heart in my eyes and a smile on my face.

mafia's lost loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora