chapter 8

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Nikolai's pov
Trigger warning ⚠️
Mentions of CSA and abuse

"We...we found her at the hospital my mother used to work in as a doctor. Someone left her outside the hospital and my mother saw her and she wasn't in a good condition" he started

"What do you mean by that" I asked him. My jaw clenching and my fists balling at the thought of her being hurt.

"She was barely alive when my mother saw her. She was one of the worst cases my mother had.
She had bruises, cigarette burns, six broken bones and multiple cuts and stab wounds on her body. Her whole body was covered in blood. She was in a coma for about 4 weeks after that."
His eyes wells up with tears and mine does too but I didn't let them fall.
I feel like there is still something that he is not telling me

"What else are you not telling me?" I asked in my deadliest tone causing his eyes to widen with fear. He hesitates before saying the words that made a tear trail down my eye.

"We don't know the extent of what happened but she" he took a long breath before continuing "she was raped. By multiple men possibly"
And my world came crashing down.
She was raped?

A fire burned in my heart ready to kill every single person that stole her innocence in the worst ways possible . To make them feel worse pain than she felt. To make them regret even looking at her.

She is a warrior to have survived that torture and I am so proud.

I was mad.
Not because someone get to have what was mine but because someone took that when she didn't wanted them to.
I am a criminal but even I have morals and respecting women is one of them.

"Who?" I asked and I am sure he can feel the murderous aura radiating out of me.

"We don't know. When she woke up from the coma she didn't remember anything and we didn't know anything about her past either. There was a bracelet on her wrist with her name and no. 82 Tatooed on her arm which left us to assume that she was involved in a sex trafficing ring." He said in a voice heavy with emotions

"She didn't remember anything?"
I tried to calm myself down by thinking of her smile, her voice and her eyes but it hurts even more. It hurts to imagine her smile fading when she went through all of that. To think of her voice screaming in pain. To think of tears in those beautiful eyes of hers when her one tear would have brought a disaster in the dmitriev and Andino household before her kidnapping.

She had to go through so much and I will make sure to make every single person who was involved pay .

Its good that the fucker from last night is still alive. I need to kill someone right now and killing one of the person who hurt her would be a good start .

"what about the tatoo? I didn't see any tatoo yesterday." I asked after several minute of silence.

"my mother grew attached with her during her treatment. We always wanted a girl in our family but my mother was unable to conceive so when no family member could be found, we took her in. We consulted a therapist and he said that seeing tha tatoo can cause mental breakdowns and panic attacks so we had it removed before she woke up."

"Where are all her medical records" I asked remembering I couldn't find any medical report
"My father was a prominent investor in the hospital and he made them delete everything to protect her from her past. I do have a hard copy though" he said

I feel thankful to them. Thankful that they took care of her and protect her when I was supposed to do that.

"If I may ask, How do you know her?" He asked hesitantly and I decided that he deserve to know some of the good moments of her past.

"We were best friends before she was kidnapped" I said sadly, remembering our friendship
"She was kidnapped? I always assume her family sold her"

"Ah no. She was her families princess loved by everyone. She had parents and even two brothers . She is the Andino princess" an expression of surprise overtook his face but I can also see an underlying expression of sadness which I can only assume is from the fact that she has another family.

"One last question. Will her memories ever return?"
I waited in anticipation for his answer

"It can return if someone tries to remind her of things in her past but the chances are slim"
He replied looking deep in thoughts "but I think it would be better for her if she forget about everything that happened" he continued looking in my eyes and I agree with him.

A selfish part of me want her to remember what we had but another part wants to protect her from her memories.
I think I will just make new memories with her. It's better for her if she forgets that part of her life.


The man infront of me screams as I cut his index finger.

She had bruises, cigarette burns, four broken bones and multiple cuts and stab wounds

his middle finger is gone next.

She was raped. By multiple men.

And another two of his fingers are gone. Ryan's words are swirling in my mind since morning causing havoc in my mind. And I am utilising that havoc in this man in front of me. He totally deserves it though.

His all fingers , both eyes and tongue are missing and his naked body is covered in cuts and blood. He looks like someone straight out of a horror movie. It gives me immense satisfaction to torture him but my mind is not in peace right now.

I took out my gun and shot two bullets in his kneecap and then another to his skull.

"Get this cleaned " I ordered Ronan who was standing in the corner of the room smoking a cigarette before taking a shower and deciding to go to one place than can make me feel better.


I am sitting in a bench in the corner of the park away from her sight watching her feeding stray dogs.

She always had a love for animals.
I watch as she smiles when the dogs licked her hand and how her eyes twinkle.

I decided that I like her like this.
And I am gonna do everything in my power to ensure that the twinkle and her smile always stays in her face.

My phone rings and my eyes widen at the name on the screen.
I expected the call but not this soon. I picked it up and his voice greets me.

"Nikolai. Its been a long time. "

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