chapter 7

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Nikolai's pov

I am standing by the glass window in my office on the 79th floor.
Everything looks so fascinating from up here.
The people, vehicles and everything looks so small like I could smash it with my finger and destroy everything in my way.

However I do have that power to destroy everything. Just one bomb and a click from my finger and thousands of lifes are gone just like that.
Luckily, I am not that far gone in my psychotic tendencies yet.

The sound of a knock resonates throughout the room inducing me out of my disturbing thoughts.

"Come in."
"Boss  Mister Addison is here" said Mila, my personal assistant.
"Bring him in"
It's finally time to get some answers.


Ryan Addison is sitting across from me looking quiet nervous even if he tried to hide it.

"What did you wanted to talk about" he asked after several minutes of silence.

"Wine?" I offered instead of answering him
"No thanks"
"Trust me you will need it to get through this conversation" I said filling a glass for him anyway and slipping it to him before filling one for myself because Something tells me that I will need one too.

"You know who I am right?" I asked already knowing the answer.
I am quite famous when it comes to my line of work. Everyone fears me and I feed of their fear. It is one of the addiction of mine.

"Yes" he replied.
"You would do good to remember it" I said smirking before taking a sip of my wine.

"Where did you find Astrea?" I asked straight away without beating around the bush.
"What do you mean where did I find her! She is my sister. She was born in our family" he said lying through his teeth.

"Cut the bullshit. You have five minutes to tell the truth before you face the consequences of lying to me" I opened a drawer and pulled out my gun keeping it on the table to intimidate him into speaking and it seems to be working
"I am saying the truth" ah! so he is a hard nut to crack.
Alright then

"I think you need a little motivation to speak. How about we bring Astrea here. Hmm?" Of course I am not gonna involve her but what he doesn't know isn't gonna hurt him.

"I'll talk. Don't involve her" and here it is.
"Go ahead. I am waiting. " I said getting ready for whatever secrets are gonna unfold.

"We..we found her at the hospital my mother used to work at..." he started

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