Episode 48 "The Skull in the Sculpture" Part 1

Start from the beginning

We then hear Marcus coming from behind us, "Agent Booth?" "Yeah." "The luminol is showing evidence of blood all over the floor." Then woman then says, "Of course it is." We were confused as Booth asks, "Excuse me?" "Kiko was here." "Kiko?" "Kiko, the performance artist. Pig's blood is an integral and crucial part of her work." Temp and I were confused as she asks, "Is that even legal?" I shrug not knowing as Booth says, "Well, we'll decide what's pig and what isn't. Pull some samples." Marcus nods, "Okay." I see he had a bit of a disgusts face as I then say, "Keep up the good work Marcus." He nods going to get samples as the woman says, "I've already called my lawyer." Booth nods, "That's great. Tell him to meet you down at the FBI offices." She then laughs confusing us, "Oh, I didn't call him for me. You see how much these works are worth. You are liable for any damages." Booth and I snort trying not to laugh as he says, "Damage?" Temp was smiling as she says, "They're crushed cars." Booth adds, "They're wrecks." The woman was not amused, "Fortunately, your ignorance and lack of appreciation of Geffrey's work don't affect its value." I then nudge Booth, "Ranger, I know that it sounds silly... but they do get sold for very high prices and you don't make that much to buy even half of the wreck art." Booth then turns yelling out, "Okay, all right, guys. Careful handling the junk. Apparently, it is art. All right?"

Another woman comes walking over to the lady as she says to us, "Uh, perhaps I could help? I'm Roxie Lyon, Geoffrey Thorne's assistant." Temp then asks, "Does the artist make a habit of encasing corpses within his sculptures?" "Excuse me?" Booth adds, "Well, we found one of these crushed cars and traced it back here to this address." Marcus then comes back over to us, "We've done the best we can without ripping one of these things apart." "No accordion-dead bodies?" "The cadaver dogs can identify human blood. They didn't find any." We then hear Roxy say, "Oh, my God." She goes past us to the woman, "Helen?" "Yes?" "Do you think Geoffrey might have actually done it?" "No. That was all just depressed artist talk, Roxie. You should know that. You're a depressed artist yourself." This was confusing as Booth intrupts them, "Hello? Do you want to explain this to me?" Roxie nods, "Uh, recently Geffery has been talking about finding a way to make himself part of the art." I then ask, "Do you mean literally?" Helen adds, "The ultimate artistic act." Roxie continues, "Geoffrey was depressed, and he said he felt like he reached his limit as an artist."

Booth then says, "We'd like to show you a picture of the remains, only if you're up for it." Temp then adds, "I suggest you don't look at the person, but rather this distinct ring." Helen looks then says, "That's Geoffrey." Roxie nods, "I know that ring. I designed it myself. It's Geoffrey." Helen then looks up at the roof, "Bravo, Geoffrey." I was highly confused as I didn't know what to say to her as Temp says, "You are an extremely unlikable woman." Booth then asks, "Mr. Thorne have enemies?" "Why? It's obvious he did this himself." I shrug, "It may to you, but we actually require evidence." Temp nods as Roxie says, "Anton DeLuca. He's an artist and a rival of Geoffrey's. They had a pretty big argument here the other night." Booth asks, "About what?" Helen answers, "What all artists argue about- money."

I get a call from Cam saying that Helen had got an injunction on the wreck car containing the body. So that means that we can't tear the car open and find another way to look at the body without 'damaging' the wreck car... Temp, Booth and I are at the rival's place Anton as we informed him about Geoffrey's death as he says, "Geoffrey Thorne dead? This is a... great day for the art world." Booth then says, "Yeah, well, last time you were seen together, you were arguing." "Well, we never say each other without arguing, so..." Temp then asks, "You disliked Geoffrey Throne?" "Well, let's just say between his work and his guts... I don't know which I hated more." Booth then speaks, "Yeah, well, artistically speaking, crushing him up in his own work, that would be very, uh, symbolic." "Is that what happened? Oh, that, that's hilarious." He starts laughing, "He crushed himself inside one of his stupid car sculptures? An exhibitionist right to the bitter end. How Po-Mo." Booth was confused as he asks Temp and I, "Po-Mo?" I answer, "Uh, Post Modern." Anton then says, "Let me tell you, Geoffrey's hermetic aestheticism was choked with tawdry pastiche. He had plastic intentions and weak enterprise." 

Booth looked highly confused as he looks at mostly Temp, "All right, someone I understand less than you." She then looks at a sculpture, "This is asymmetrical and yet still pleasing to the eye." Booth then says, "Okay, I take that back. Why don't you just say it's... pretty?" I chuckle as Anton says, "I don't do pretty." "Okay. Simmer down there, Picasso. You get a compliment you be polite." "I don't do polite either." Temp then says, "Maybe that's why you're broke." Anton turns to us, "Who gave you my name? Was it that Kabuki ghoul, Helen Bridenbecker?" I laugh a bit as Anton looks at me and smirks as Temp says, "Shouldn't you be trying harder to look innocent?" Booth nods, "Yeah. How long have you and Thoren hated each other?" "You can write down, since before the big bang." Temp thought he actually meant that as she says, "Oh, no. There was no 'before' before the big bang, because time didn't exist. If there are no organizing properties..." I then stop her with a small chuckle, "Uh, Temp... Ranger will just put down, that it's been a while." Booth nods as he then asks, "So, why were you arguing at the gallery?" I then add, "We heard it was about money." "Well, I might have said he was a sell-out. Usually do. But I didn't think to kill him. Now it's too late, right?"

Booth then says, "Well, if you didn't kill him, then, uh, who did?" "I'd look at his girlfriend if I were you." Temp then says, "No one has mentioned a girlfriend." "Roxie. His 'assistant.' He said he was gonna leave all his money to her. I mean, this is kind of basic stuff you guys should know, right?" We then start leaving as we hear Anton say as he looks at me, "Hey, how about you come over later and you could you know pose for my painting a bit?" I just stared at him as Booth turns me around saying, "Not even close to your league dude. Let's go Bones, Blueberry." We leave as Temp says, "You didn't blush like you normal did. Does that mean that you finally...." She looks at me seeing that I was red as I look over at Booth, "How... how was that Ranger.... Did... did I last longer this time?" He nods patting my head, "Yup, you kept your composure till the end." I nod still embarrassing red still as we head back to the car.

We were back at the lab as I was with Cam and Daisy trying to look at the remains with a scope. Cam decided to do it herself as I watch the screen to see if we got anything as Daisy says to Cam, "Did you have like buckets of coffee this morning? You're very shaky." I just smile as Cam says, "Could you take a step back, please?" I then say to cam as she moves around, "Just a bit more to the left Cam." Daisy adds, "Like tip-toeing mice." Cam couldn't keep her hands still as she then says, "Oh, rats." Daisy asks, "Do you want me to try? Let me try. I'm very dexterous." I then look at her, "I didn't know that." She nods happily as I then look over seeing Temp with a pot filled with something as she looks over at us as she looks at me in the eyes. I turn my head to the side confused on what she was trying to do as Cam switches with Daisy as she says, "Oh, you won't be sorry." I then see Temp poring the pot filled with insects down the wrecked car as my mouth opens from shock as Cam also looks not knowing what to do or say as Temp then says, "I was going to say that I had an accident over here, but I don't like lying."

I then say, "You dumped a bucket full of domestic beetles onto this work of art. They'll strip the flesh off our victim within 30 hours." Temp nods as she then asks Cam and I, "Am I fired?" I shake my head smiling as Cam says, "Au contraire. Remind me of this moment around Christmas bonus time." I nod as I say, "Tell me what you want Temp, and I will gladly buy or make it for you." She nods happily as Daisy then says, "I'm in!" Temp then says, "Uh, good work, Ms. Wick." "Well, we could've been here hours ago if Dr. Saroyan would have given me the endoscope sooner." "Thanks for mentioning that." "There's too much flesh to really get an idea of the bone damage." I then say, "30 hours." Temp nods as we start walking away to do our other work that needs to be done.



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