Chapter One

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The Last Day of School Involves A Gym On Fire


Snow could say she had a typical school year so far. Which for some, it may not be much, and even be really boring. But for a demigod like her, it was a dream. 

She had only encountered a few monsters here and there. Nothing she and her mom couldn’t evade, and if not, it was an easy kill. Honestly with the words she said to her father, Ares, it was a miracle that he didn’t try sending more monsters her way. 

She thanked her mother for that. 

The woman won’t leave her side whenever Snow had a reason to go out that wasn’t for school. After what Snow told her, it was understandable that she would want to make sure her godly husband didn’t try to kill the daughter that damaged his ego for the first time. 

But even the outings were scarce. The only time Snow had a reason to go out was to take a walk around the neighbourhood, go to the park or accompany her mother on groceries. Other than that, it was going to and from school, doing homework and reading books. 

Well her friends from camp did come over from time to time. Conner and Travis were the first. Identical looking brothers that weren’t twins, surprisingly. 

“How’s our favourite Ares kid doin’?” They greeted after almost slamming Snow’s door from its hinges. 

As much as Snow’s mother adored the two mischievous brothers, sometimes she felt that they were too mischievous. As expected from children of Hermes, but the more her daughter hung around them, the more she worried they might be an influence. 

Normally she would confront them about this, but the two would always pull out the innocent card. 

“Us? Bad influences?” Travis said, a hand to his heart. He looked greatly offended. 

“Ms. LaBlanc, how could you say that? We thought we were your favourite,” Conner added. 

“Right now, I think it’s Silena,” 

They took that extremely personally. 

They both hugged Snow tightly, pretending to cry as their backs face her mother. Rolling her eyes, Snow gave into their theatrics and comforted them.

“The betrayal!” 

“And after all that we’ve done for her daughter,” Travis sniffed. “In the end, accused of being a bad influence!”

“You’re stealing one of my animal antiques right now,” said Snow’s mom. 

They froze. Indeed they were just about to put the wooden, carved birds into their pockets. The two didn’t dare face the woman and just continued hugging Snow as if she would protect them. 

“We were just looking…”

“Yeah, can’t we admire the details?”

The days were like that and more. Oftentimes the boys tried to steal something (they couldn’t help themselves), which would not go unnoticed by either of the LaBlancs. Having known the boys, it was like a sixth sense to be able to tell when they’re sticky hands were about to pocket something. 

And even if they missed an item, the Stolls would just return the item a few days later anyhow. 

Silena’s visit were what Snow envisioned a typical girl hangout would be. Painting nails, listening to music, watching tv, going for spas. Nothing less for someone like her, but Snow never minded. She always wanted to do the things the actresses on TV would often. Then there was Annabeth’s. Despite what the blonde said, Snow didn’t think she would actually contact her. 

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