Chapter Thirteen

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The Water Beds Of Death 


The sky was turning a bleeding orange and pink by the time the taxi stopped and dropped them off at Santa Monica. The light reflecting off the high buildings was a very scenic and beautiful sight. If Snow wasn’t currently on the quest of a lifetime, she would stop to take pictures of every angle and send it to her mom. But aside from the quest, the other thing that ruined the imagery was the bad smell that polluted the air. But looking aside from that, there were carnival rides that held screams of laughter and fear of the riders, surfer dudes waiting for the right waves and a homeless guy sleeping within the sand dunes. 

Truely a wondrous sight. Snow and her friends walked down the edge of the surf. 

“What now?” Annabeth asks. 

The pacific ocean was turning gold, the water rushed gently against the breeze. Snow wrinkled her nose when she saw how filthy the ocean was. There were a lot of plastic bottles, bags and other junk swimming on the surface. They were all wrapped in seaweed and dirt, and it stretched across the ocean, she couldn’t see the waters properly. It was really sad of how humanity treats their environment. 

She turned to Percy who was staring at the water with a deep expression. 

“Aquaboy?” Snow called. He didn’t answer. All of a sudden, he starts walking towards the water. Annabeth saw this and asked where he was going but, again, he didn't give an answer. He just kept on walking, even when he was already in the water. 

Ankle deep. Knee deep. Chest deep. 

Okay now Snow was getting worried. Was he possessed? Was something in there pulling him in? Instinctively, she rushed after him. But as if sensing this, he turned back and shook his head, stopping her just before she touched the water. When Percy was sure she stopped, he continued into the waters. 

“Should we be worried?” Snow turned to Annabeth.

The blonde pressed her lips tightly. “No. I’m sure he has his reasons. Probably.” 

That did nothing to assure Snow. Sighing, she sat down near the water and waited. She could hear Grover and Annabeth debating something behind her, but she didn’t care enough to make out what they were saying. She just waited for when a black haired boy rose out of the surface again. For some reason, her chest tightened while waiting for him to rise up, memories of back at the arch where she saw him fall down at a height that would have left him dead instantly if he wasn’t the son of Poseidon. She’s never felt that kind of fear before, she’s never cried that hysterically before. This was the first time she really reflected back to that day. 

Snow has never really cried before. Well past the baby age. If she were honest, she disliked crying, such a negative emotion, that did nothing but make the people around you worry and sad as well. Then they would look at you as if you were glass waiting to crack, then they would fuss and walk around on eggshells, just to not trigger anything. Crying does nothing but cause stress and worry for everyone. Even watching the scenes where the princesses cry makes her uneasy. 

So that begs the question as to why she let it all out without hesitation before. She figured it was because she had developed a strong bond towards Percy, even though they haven’t been friends for very long. Snow wonders if she would be the same towards the Stolls or Will or Silena. She let out a sigh, that cry was only a one time thing, she would make sure that outburst never happens again. 

Back to worrying over Percy, Snow was just about to ask Annabeth about his decisions when she saw something ripple. First came something black, then she caught the beautiful sea green eyes that glowed brightly against the sun’s light, making it look ethereal. Snow could stay at them all day. His orange camp shirt contrasted brightly against the much harsher colour. Snow got up quickly and greeted Percy, Annabeth and Grover following. Without missing a beat, he told them what had happened under the water. Snow stared at the pearls that the sea spirit gave him.

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