Chapter Twenty Six

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AUTHORS NOTE! Important... Read.... Okay.... Carry on!
By the way! A look of Louis and Meg's new apartment in the attachment :)


Friday morning, I got up at 6AM and started packing up. This Sunday we're officially moving out of this place and into our new house. Good thing Caroline allowed me not to go to work today under the condition that I have to work twice as hard on Monday and I can't have anymore absences all December unless absolutely necessary.

We already started packing yesterday and Louis moved some of our stuff but today is like the official packing day so tomorrow we can take everything out, or even today.

It's 12PM and I've already filled up at least 7 boxes and ready to be moved to the new house. Our plan today is to pack up as much as we can and we move those boxes this afternoon at 5. I push aside all the boxes that are done while Em seals the opening. Since we're really not allowed to carry heavy stuff, we're either sealing the boxes, labelling them or filling them up.

"Meg, what's in this one?" I turned around and saw Em patting the grey one. "You've already sealed it up but you haven't labeled it." She says, tapping her pen on the surface.

"Just... Seal them again." I say waving her off and sealing my current box and labelling it as 'Cutlery'. I push it aside and move to the next one.

"Meg! I need you up here!" Louis shouts from upstairs then I hear a loud cry. I chose to ignore it. Ten minutes later, I heard a loud thump and several shouts coming from upstairs.

"Jesus christ..." I drop my pen and went upstairs. The noise is coming from Blaine's bedroom. I open the door and I wasn't prepared for what I saw. Blaine's kicking his foot on his bed and shaking his head. Louis can't seem to get through him. That's something new.

I walk over to them and knelt in front of Blaine holding his hands together. "What's the problem?" I ask him.

"Taking my toys away..." He says sadly and pulls his hands free from my grasp.

I turned around and only noticed now that the box has been opened again and robots and toy cars are scattered around it. "We've talked about this, love," I tell him, making sure I make every word clear. "We're only putting them away for now. You'll get to play with them again in your new house, okay?"

"But I wanna play now!" He yells in an ear splitting scream. I had to cover my ears because I'm the one closes to him.

"All right!" Louis yells furiously and Blaine shuts up. "Remember what we talked about? You're supposed to be good, aren't you? Well you're not being good."

"No!" He shouts firmly in Louis' face and scrambles off the bed, scooping up as many toys as he can in his arms. I watch as Louis face turn red and his nostrils flare in anger.

He stands up suddenly and seizes Blaine. "Louis! Stop that!" I shout at them. I was also on my feet and pulled a crying Blaine away from him. Once I put him down, he runs to his bed and hides under his covers.

"What is the matter with you?! The kid's frightened to death!" I tell at him. He's still red with anger and his jaw clenched but he's not looking at me.

"He's being a massive pain in the arse ever since we started packing-"

"He's three years old!" I cut him off. "What does he care about packing up! And what were you planning to do?! Slap him?!"

"Would you want to be yelled at by your own son?!" He shouts.

"No but what's gotten in your head when you nearly threw him-"

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