Chapter Twenty Four

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I didn't go back to mum. I only sent her a message saying I've already gone back because I might miss the train. She was worried I'd throw major shade in Tyler's face but soon she was relieved I didn't. Though it was worse when I let it slip that I had a little ice war with his mum and yelled at me for being uncivilised and stubborn.

I've had a series of thoughts running through my head. Mostly about Tyler and Emily. Two fifteen year old parents with no income or a place to live in on their own. I feel sorry for them. Put in the picture that they're both so young, they could have done more with their lives.

Tyler's scared. I can tell he's really scared. Emily, however, tries to act like she's fine and can handle herself but she's just as frightened. I'm not worried about our family letting Em down but I'm worried Tyler's family will shun her and wouldn't care about the baby.

Hours later we're pulling in front of the train station. I fell asleep on the train so it was luck that I woke up on time for my stop. Just as I got on the platform, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I hit the green button on the screen and pressed the phone to my ear.

"May I help you?" I ask the caller.

"Are you hungry?"

The sound of that soft voice already tells me who it is.

"Yeah I think so. Unless you're cooking dinner then I'm definitely not having a single bite." I say and I hear Louis laugh on he other line.

"Wouldn't dream of it. Can you tell me where you're at? I'm coming to pick you up." He says and I hear a loud car horn honk. He's already in the streets. He's off early today, that's new.

"I'm at Kings Cross," I tell him as I got out of the exit from the platform.

"Kings Cross? What are you doing there?" He asks.

"I went to see mum off... She just got on the train." I told him. The voice in my head told me I'm gonna regret lying to him about this someday.

"Right, all right, be there in 10 minutes." He says then he hangs up.

Where is he that he could be here in 10 minutes? I won't even bother. I went out of the station and stood right at the entrance. It's already evening so the atmosphere is even more chilly than it was when there was actual daylight. I zip my coat up to my neck. Smoke comes out of my mouth every time I breathe.

A dark blue mini van pulls over in front of me. The windows rolled down and Louis peeks out with a beaming charming smirk. "It's warm in here, just so you know." He says.

I rolled my eyes and opened the passenger door. I strap my seatbelt on and closed the door behind me.
I looked back to see Blaine's car seat empty. "You didn't take Blaine with you?" I ask him.

"I left him and Emily with Holly. She was more than willing to come by. She said she needed a quieter place to study in although I didn't understand why she chose our place as an option."

He pulls out of the driveway Kings Cross station and into the main road. The streets are fairly busy for a Sunday night. London doesn't sleep anyway so why did I bother asking. "Hungry?" He asks.

Right on cue, my stomach made a dying whale noise. "That answered that." I say, leaning back against the seat.

Twenty minutes later, he parks the car in front of an Italian restaurant. It's somewhere in central London so it's freaking busy. We got in and the Italian waitress led us to a table near a grand piano. It's a small half-moon couch with a table in between. She hands us both a menu and left us to take our order.

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