Chapter Twenty Eight

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I've got three things I'd like to say in the authors note but chapter comes first :)


I rolled over in bed with Louis back facing me. I can't help but smile because I feel like the luckiest person alive at the moment. And because today is going to be a beautiful day.

I glanced at the clock and saw the time. A quarter to 10. I prop myself up on my elbow and put all my weight on Louis. He groans and lies flat on his back with his face towards me. His eyes open slowly then he squints like he's adjusting to the light.

"Do you know what day it is today?" I ask him. I laugh when he frowns like a child and throws a pillow over his head. I sat up and turned him over so he'd be flat on his back.

He mumbled something into the pillow that's barely audible. I snatch the pillow from him and saw his face scrunched up like Blaine's when I put a plate of vegetables in front of him.

"Did you say something, babe?" I ask him, running my finger along his jaw. I can't help but smile at the look on his face. I chuckled and kissed him on the corner of his mouth. "Happy birthday, darling." I whisper in his ear.

I got up and tied my hair in a bun. I put on a sweatshirt over my camisole. The hem falls to my thighs. "Hey! That's mine." Louis beams. I frown and went over to the mirror and saw 'Tomlinson' written on the back in black bold letters.

"To make it clear, I'm a Tomlinson too." I say, shrugging. The sleeves fall off my shoulder as I did.

He smiles and leans back against the headboard. "Actually, you're looking too hot right now." He chuckles with a seductive looking his face.

"That's too good for you." I say, sitting cross legged on the bed. He intertwines his fingers in mine, and slides it off. He smiles as he holds my ring finger. Three rings of different meanings.

"This one's my favorite." He points at the one that looks like two overlapped rings. I can't believe it's been five years since he has given that to me.

"I will always be yours" I say.

"Forever and more." He continues.

He nipped it out of a song but then as time went by, it meant so much more than a lyric. It's become more like our motto, a promise. It's more than just a reminder from him that he's committed. It's a reminder for me as well that I should be there for him.

"We could be getting drunk tonight at a club at Covent Garden. They have a really cool party tonight but you're pregnant... So... Maybe next year" he says with a shrug. I chuckled and scoot closer to him.

"You don't have to be drunk to have fun on your birthday." I tell him. "I wasn't drunk on my birthday"

He laughs and cocks his head from side to side. "Meg, we had sex on your birthday. That was more fun than getting drunk." He reminds me. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"You promised to get Blaine that LEGO collection." I change the subject. I open the door to the bathroom and leaned down the sink to wash my face.

"Technically," he says then I heard the bed creak as he got up. "Santa Claus promised him."

"Didn't Jay ever tell you that Santa Claus isn't real?" I ask him as I dry my face.

"Don't be such a downer." He says, stepping in the shower and throwing his shirt over the divider.

At 11, we went to the mall which is packed with people. Everyone's doing last minute Christmas, rushing from one store to the other before the shops close at 6 this evening.

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