Chapter Forty Four

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Even Emily couldn't manage to get a word out. It was that frightening. It took her a lot to tell me what's going and I swear when she did, it felt like my whole world came crashing down before me.

I felt like a zombie as I ran back in the staff room to get my car keys. I didn't bother in asking permission to leave but Catherine mentioned how pale I looked. She tried to ask what's happening to me but even I can't pin point a single emotion. It feel like it's all rolled into one massive overwhelming emotion.

My mind was completely blank when I was driving. There's only one thing in my head right now and it's going to stay there.

I was lucky that I didn't hit a crossing elderly or ran over a stop sign. I'm pretty sure I was going past the speed limit and I'm gonna have to answer to authorities when they get hold of me but that's the last thing on my mind!

I pulled my keys out when my car was parked and ran in the building as fast as I can. I came to an abrupt stop in front of the information desk, out of breath and shaking. The nurse gave me a weird look as I catch my breath.

"Can I help you, sir?" She asks me with a curious look. I swear I think she would've asked another nurse to take me to the ER because I looked like I could faint at any minute.

"Tell me where my wife is... Her names Meg... Umm, Megan Tomlinson she arrived a couple minutes ago, I think-"

Yes I look like a deranged maniac but fucking answer me, woman!

"Oh yes, she was brought to a private room. She's just been admitted to room...."

The moment she said the room number, I bolted to the stairs. There's an elevator but it would take forever I didn't care that the room was on the last floor! I never ran so fast in my life than I have today.

I saw the room number and pushed the door open with full force that it slammed on the wall. The doctors and nurses pushed me out but I shoved them all away and ran to Meg's side. Might have yelled a few curses at them before they let me in completely.

"I'm guessing Em called you?" She asks in a whisper. Her hair's sticking to her face and her cheeks are we with tears. It's heartbreaking to watch her like this.

"Why didn't you tell me, Meg? How long have you been feeling like this?" I ask her quietly because I can't seem to find my voice. She was about to answer me when the monitor beside me starts beeping like mad.

A female doctor ran to the machine and starts jotting down the results. "What's going on? What's happening?" I ask her when I see the worry on her face.

She didn't answer me but turns to Meg, who I didn't realise was crying until now. "Meg, relax! It's not helping if you're stressing yourself more-"

Meg slaps the hand of the doctor away stubbornly. "I'm trying! It's not that easy, you know!" She hisses, bowing her head. The doctor ignores her outburst and continues jotting down her findings.

When the machine stops beeping like mad, she leans back and ran a hand through her hair. "It's too soon. She's not going to survive if it happens to night." Meg tells, tears falling down her cheeks.

"That's very likely due to the closeness of each contraction but there is a chance the labor will stop since your water hasn't broken yet."

I hear Meg whimper. When I look at her, she's covering a side of her face with her hand. She's already blaming herself and it hasn't happened yet, it breaks my heart. I stand up sit at the edge of her bed. Surprisingly, she doesn't push me away but pulls me closer.

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