Chapter Thirty Two

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Photo: Louis and baby Summer when she was 1 or something :)

Why not Louise? Because the baby looks blonde and Louise is brunette but Summer is blonde :D

That picture is so cute that I feel the need to share it


Half past two in the morning, I heard shuffling of feet in the living room. Well, I fell asleep in the living room. Odd thing was I didn't hear the door open.

I got up all of a sudden and a high pitched scream came erupted. It's obviously none of the boys. I turned the lamp on and saw Summer, clutching her chest, the other holding two juice boxes and two packet of biscuits. I rub my tired eyes and ran a hand through my hair.

"Summer, what are you doing at half past two in the morning?" I ask her.

"Seth and I were hungry we did Rock Paper Scissors and the loser had to go downstairs to get food and I'm the loser!" She says in a really fast pace.

I sighed and sat back down on the sofa. "Well next time, turn the lights on. All right?" I ask her and she nods. "Go back to bed." I tell her.

"Goodnight, mummy." She says, pecking my cheek quickly and ran back upstairs. Just as Summer reaches the staircase, the door bursts open. Louis stumbles in and I quickly got up to support him.

I look up at Niall, frowning. He shrugs as we tried to get him on the couch. "He had a little too much." Niall says. I assumed he hasn't drank that much.

"Clearly. Are you all right?" I ask Niall and he nods. He's still looking at me straight so he's 100% sober. "Right. Thanks Niall." I say and he nods, turning around. I close the door and lock it behind me.

Suddenly I was pinned to the wall with a hand roaming up my bare back. "Meg you look... Lovely... Tonight..." He chuckles deeply into my neck. I hear something tumbling down the stairs so I turned and saw Summer running down to retrieve her juice pouch.

"Summer, go to bed." I tell her and she immediately scurries up the stairs. I hear a door slam and I knew she was already gone. He presses onto me with his mouth to my face. I gag at the strong smell of alcohol in his breath. "Louis, seriously stop it. The kids are asleep." I tell him.

"We never... Have fun... Anymore..." He slurs and fiddles with the end of my shirt.

"Yeah, all right..." I say passively as I threw his arm over my shoulder. "Come on, time to go to bed now." I tell him as I dragged him upstairs. I stumbled a few times due to his whole weight on me.

Yeah, this is a typical Tomlinson evening lately.

I throw him on the bed as we got in. He sits up immediately and wraps his arms around my waist. He pulls me on the bed so I'd be on top of him. "No, seriously, Lou." I tell him but he kept smiling at me like an innocent, intoxicated, boy.

"Why don't you love me anymore?" He asks sadly but I know that he has no idea what he's saying. But as he said that, I felt something tug my chest in a bad way.

"You don't love me anymore, do you?" He asks again. Even if it's not true, the way he said it makes my chest ache. "You don't say it anymore."

He doesn't know what he's saying. That's all I have to remember. He's drunk.

"Let me take off your jacket so you can sleep." I tell him and start unbuttoning his denim jacket. After I got it off him, I throw it in the hamper and lied down beside him.

"You love me?" He asks sleepily, his hair falling to his eyes. I sighed and brush it off his forehead gently.

"Of course I do." I tell him in a whisper. He throws his arm over me and pulls me to him, tangling his leg over me. His head is on my shoulder and I can't help but wrap my arms around him as well.

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