Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter twenty nine... Teen. (It's year 2019 now!)

January was not in our favour. Neither was February. It was an awful first two months, I can't even stress out how crazy and hectic the first two months of the year was.

The only good thing about February was Zayn and Perrie's wedding. That's basically it and then everything was back to normal.

When the winter holiday of the universities came to an end, Louis spent all his time in the university training his team 5 hours a day. He says it's crucial because spring is fast approaching and so are the matches.

I, too, was very busy. Because of the success of Corwin's show, it got bigger. We added more segments, more days of broadcasting, more filming, and that just meant more editing for us in post-production. The guilt is slowly eating me up because I barely spent a week with Blaine in the past 3 months. The only day Louis and I spent it with him for a full 24 hours was his birthday.

It wasn't a big celebration. It was all family and a couple of friends. Em could barely look at Karen still.

I was starting to feel guilty for always leaving Blaine with aunt Cecile. Guilty for not spending time with my son and guilty for being too dependent on Aunt Cecile. Although she assures me it was not a big deal, I'd still feel bad when I come and pick him. He only just turned four and I barely spent the time of day with him.

Louis was worse. He leaves the house at 6 and comes home early but he'd spend all evening devising his game plan. He'd even bring home the team captain every now and then, talking strategies and when he's through, he'd just go to bed. He told me it's not how he wanted it but he has to keep up with university's expectations of the team.

It's mid April now. Em could have her girl at any time and I told her to keep in contact with me in case she's not feeling well. She still hasn't made up with Tyler and she stopped keeping him up on the update with their daughter. He kept pestering me as well but Em kept begging me not to say a word about her.

Right now, I am at work filming for Corwin's next episode. We have a celebrity guest and the whole crew is buzzing. No one has time for a conversation or even a good morning.

"Everyone! Stand by! We're rolling cameras in 30 seconds!"

That's all I've been hearing all day along with our directors yells and commands.

It was busy and I was so relieved when they let us off. Not so early at 8 but they did. We started filming at 7 in the morning and I don't even have the energy to take the bus. Caroline offered to drive me home and I couldn't stop thanking her on the way.

When we reached the house, I was glad to see Louis' car in the parking lot. He was sat at the sofa again with papers scattered around, his hair a giant mess and he has tea stains on his t-shirt

"Mummy!" My head snapped to the direction as to where that voice came from.

"Hello, darling. It's past your bedtime, is it not?" I ask him. His face fell guiltily and he bows his head.

"Daddy didn't put me to bed." He says timidly. I turn to Louis who's still busy with his work.

"Go get into bed, darling. Mum will be there in one minute." I say. He nods and runs up the staircase, slamming his door behind him.

I dropped my house keys in the bowl and stood behind him. I leaned against the back of the sofa and saw what he was doing; working on a new game plan. "First game is next month." He says tiredly, running a hand through his hair.

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