Chapter Forty Nine

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The promise I made to Meg was a lot easier said than done. When she left that Wednesday, that's when things got tougher at work in the university. When I put Haven to take Butler's spot, the whole team started talking, especially the seniors. They all thought it's unfair and they wanted Butler back.

They sound like a bunch of five year olds when told Christmas is cancelled. It's not like I didn't try to talk to them, they wouldn't listen and one afternoon, half of the team barged in the staff room complaining and protesting about the decision.

And Jerry, being the asshole that he is, is just standing by the door of his office with a grin. It's his way of saying 'I told you so.'

Things at home were not better as well. Without Meg, things turn into a bigger mess as days go by. Summer and Seth aren't doing their homework. Blaine couldn't keep his health project under control and Louise would always shout at her siblings to shut up because she's trying to study.

"Dad!" Louise yells, bursting through the door. "This is getting ridiculous, Blaine's little toy won't shut up and he he's too big of a pride to hand it over to his partner!"

"They're taking turns looking after that nightmare. That's something you won't understand until you're his age." I tell her as I scribble more notes on my pad.

"Well, when is he going to give Bree her turn?" She asks me stubbornly.

Jesus, I have a report due in the morning and I'm not halfway done. I cant have this conversation. I turned to Louise, who looks more furious than I thought, "Talk to him. Please, just do it, Louise." I tell her and went back to my work.

She falls silent and if I wasn't looking through the corner of my eye, I wouldn't think she's still there. "When's mum coming home?" She asks me.

I sighed and dropped my pen. "Two weeks. Now, please, talk to your brother."

Two weeks now feel longer than any two weeks.


I thought it was impossible to have a headache early in the morning but it's not so impossible at all. The very moment I woke up, I had to be a referee for Blaine and Louise.

"Give that thing to Bree! Bet she can handle it better than you can!" She yells at her brother, trying to snatch the robotic doll.

"Hey! Don't yell!" I warn her. She frowns and turns around, giving up. "Take a bath! You're going to be late!" I call out before she disappears out of sight.

I turned to Blaine and point at the robotic doll. "Get that thing under control." I tell him sternly as he attempts to shove it in his backpack.

By 8:30, we've already left the house. I dropped sulky Louise and pissed off Blaine first then Seth and Summer.

"Dad! Don't forget, it starts at 7!" Summer beams before running off to meet her friends.

I sighed at the thought of Parents' Night tonight. For three years straight, it was Meg who went to these things. My only hope is that I don't have to stay at work too long. I would not only let Meg down but the twins as well and they'll never forgive me for that.

When I reached the university, Jerry was already by my desk. I groaned and pass him, trying not to make it too obvious I despise him. It's very difficult, actually.

"Well?" He asks vaguely, crossing his arms.

"If you try to be more specific, maybe I can answer you." I tell him as I dump the folders on my table.

"Your team hates you." He says firmly. I look up and see the smug grin on his face. "You put a junior on a pedestal. I told you it's unacceptable but did you listen? No, you didn't."

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