Chapter Fifty One

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Alice and I ate dinner together in the trailer while the others are down by the lake side. There's a reason why Alice and I have grown closer compared to our other coworkers: we don't like being in large crowds.

Even in the studio, we'd be in the employee lounge while others were out having lunch. We're okay with being in a group of 5 people but if it gets bigger than that, we'd retreat to a quieter place.

When it was close to 9, I'd check my phone from time to time, hoping to get a call from Louis telling how the Parents' Evening went. Alice is sitting on her little bunk while I pace in front of my phone.

"You're giving me a headache just watching you right now." She tells me, putting her head phones down. "Why don't you call him first?"

Right on cue, my phone rang and Louis' face flashes on the screen. I hear Alice laugh before going back to her laptop. I grab my phone and went outside before I can answer the call. I went down the trailer and sat down on one of the folded seats by the entrance.

"I looked like a fool, Meg." Was the first thing he tells me. "You didn't even brief me about it and I looked like an idiot in front of the headmaster!"

I frown and pulled my phone away from my ear. "You're not making any sense. Starting from the beginning usually helps-"

"Why didn't you tell me about Seth's Disciplinary Probation?" He snaps. He sounds extremely furious and he's probably fuming right now. "You knew about it, didn't you?"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arm. "Yes," I say firmly. "I knew about it. It was only a couple weeks ago I was informed-"

"You didn't give me a heads up, I looked like an ignorant savage in front of-"

"Are you going to yell at me the whole phone call?!" I cut him off this time. Our conversation didn't even last a minute yet and he's already at me.

I hear him take a deep sigh and a creak. He probably sat down on the couch. "You don't know how pathetic I feel right now." He says.

I scoffed and cocked my head. "You probably should." I muttered, rolling my eyes.

There was a pause before he started speaking again. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks in a monotone.

"I didn't think you would care." I say in a quiet voice. As I said it, I feel a knot tying in my chest.

"Why would you think that?" He asks bluntly.

"You don't care about anything regarding the children lately" I whisper, pulling on the thread of my sweater.

"You didn't think I have the right to know?" He's saying that through gritted teeth, I can tell. "I have as much right to know as you do, Meg. Or have you completely forgotten that?"

"You make it easy to forget, actually, If you want me to be completely honest, yeah." I say carelessly. I was in a better mood than I was earlier until he started yelling at me.

This conversation is stupid, this isn't what I wanted to talk about. Maybe it's a good thing I'm here in Gloucestershire and not in London otherwise it would get even messier.

"You know what, forget it. Don't tell me anything anymore." He says stubbornly, "I'll find stuff out myself."

Is he fucking serious right now? Does he have any idea how ridiculous and stupid he sounds, especially over the phone?! And what does he expect me to say or do? Beg?!

I feel so angry right now, I can crush my phone in my hands. He sounds immature and stupid and I'm not laying low for that shit, no way.

"Have it your way." I say then hung up before he can say anything. I pushed the end button too hard that it left a dent on my screen. Yes, I'm that angry.

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