Chapter 42: Everything

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Her eyes are a lighter grey! But this is kinda what she looks like...

Izuku and I sat on a bench in the garden of the hospital, sharing one blanket and sitting pretty close to each other.

We were right against each other.

I didn't mind being so close to him, but the look on his face made it seem he did.

"Is this okay?" I asked him while pointing from my to him, gesturing to our position. "You seem like you having trouble breathing. I can move over."

"I'm okay." He waved me off as he moved his hands to hold his thigh, gripping it as if he was in an awkward position and didn't know what to do with his hands.

I smirked at him.

Since he was on my left, it was easier for me to do this. My right hand was in a sling.

I grabbed his hand from his thigh and interlocked our fingers.

His eyes widened and he blushed slightly, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Is he getting used of my advances?

"Is this okay too?" I questioned him innocently, squeezing his hand. The scars on his hand quite visible.

He gave me a knowing look, telling me that he knew I was only playing innocent. He let it slide and squeezed my hand too, nodding his head.

I chuckled and looked away from him, staring at the empty garden, the sky still a little dark since the sun has completely risen yet.

"So what did you want to ask?" I waited for his reply patiently, looking back at his face.

He was already staring at me. He seemed to want to ask something, but was unsure of it.

"Um... Todoroki said he asked you to take off your mask to see if you were lying... right? I was, uh, wondering if you could take it off... in front of me..." He lifted his other hand and scratched his chin while looking away nervously.

I raised an eyebrow at the request.

"To see if I'm lying?"

He quickly shook his head as if that was a bad thing and looked back at me. "No, no! I-I just want to see you face..."

My eyes widened for a moment before they relaxed.

His hand was clammy against mine, telling me just how nervous he was.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I don't want to force you or anything... I just..." He trailed off.

He pursed his lips, looking as if he would rather be anywhere else then in this moment.

"Tell me. I won't laugh." I spoke softly, wanting to hear his thoughts.

Communication is key.

He looked quite nervous as sweat dropped from his forehead.

"Well, ha, I don't know. I just didn't like how Todoroki saw your face when I didn't... I-I don't know if that sounds rude or disrespectful. I don't know why I felt so... annoyed, but I did..." He chuckled awkwardly, not knowing where to look now.

I held in my laugh, smiling at his behaviour.

"So you were jealous." I stated with nod, taking in the information.

His eyes widened, staring at the ground for a moment as if he was taking in information he didn't know.

Izuku seemed shocked at the realization, but nodded.

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