Chapter 19: Friends

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I walked down the road to see Todoroki walking alone.

His hand in his pockets as he kicked a rock down the sidewalk.

I jogged up to him and walked alongside him. "Hello Todoroki-kun."

He glanced my way and bowed slightly. "Hi, Athena-san."

We walked in silence for a few minutes. It began to get awkward.

I don't know how to start a conversation...

"So, what did you think of the new school? UA is a lot more advanced than other prestigious schools." I chuckled as I remember the one I was meant to go to, but I was put in Juvie instead.

"It is the most prestigious hero school in the country. Of course it's more advanced. If it wasn't, than it wouldn't be called the best." He said in a monotone, no expression. Just stoic as before.

He's a really hard person to talk to.

"Well, yeah. I guess you're right." I rubbed the back of my neck at the stupid conversation starter.

Can I just go die in a hole? This is too embarrassing.

"Hey! What's your quirk? Is there more to it, or is it just ice? I saw you use ice, but it only come from your right hand." I tried again. He looked down at me, his eyes sharp and stare cold. "It's just a question. You don't have to answer if you wish not to."

He sighed and looked it the ground. His eyes looking tired all of a sudden.

"My quirk is half-cold, half-hot. On the right side of my body I can create ice. My other half can create fire." He showed me how his hand got ice cold, covered in a thin layer of ice, and his right hand there was a small flame in his palm. It disappeared as soon as I came. "I don't like using my left side. My fire."

I nodded, understanding he has a reason not to use it.

"I was like that before." He furrowed his eyebrows at me in a confused manner.

I looked up at him smiling at his interest.

"There was a part of my quirk I hated using because it's rarely used in a good way." I remembered how I once used my illusions to interrogate and torture other people.

It's mainly used to harm people. Make them see things they're not supposed to. Things they wish to never witness in their life.

The things they did to stop them...

But when I got to Juvie, there were people who found it to be a blessing.

I showed them things they missed, their families, their happiest memories.

They were happy.

I realized then that it wasn't only used to hurt people, but make them stop hurting.

"Do you mind if I ask how you came to use it more often?" He asked, his voice softer and warmer than before.

I thought to myself.

"Well, I realized it was a part of me. And there was nothing I could do to make it go away." I shrugged my shoulders, thinking about my time in Juvie. I smiled to myself. "And I ended up finding a way to use it for a good reason."

He stopped walking and stared down at his hand, thinking deeply about the subject.

Did... did something happen to him? Is that why he has his scar?

He looked to be... afraid of using it.

I shook my head at the accusations knowing I'm not the one who can do such a thing.

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