Chapter 1: Life

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There might be mistakes of me calling Lilia 'Mikasa' because the fact that I have her look like her really confused me while I was writing 😓🤗


My life hasn't been the normal at all.

I grew up killing and fighting. I grew up surrounded by evil.

I remember watching heroes on tv while growing up. About how they had saved countless of lives. How more and more heroes are coming into the light and helping the world get rid of villains.

Like my father, my sister, and myself.

I thought it would be cool if I was the one on tv. Saving people from dangerous villains. Risking your life for someone else.

But instead I was always told to watch out for myself. The only one you can trust is myself. The only life that matter is mine.

I don't want to live the rest of my life regretting and feeling guilty. I mean, all those emotions will stay with me forever, but I don't want to feel just those things.

I want to be someone who saves people... I want to save more lives than I've taken, even if some of them were villains.

But the other times... they were just innocent bystanders. Innocent people...

I feel so... terrible.

And although I say it, it doesn't bring back what I did. It never will.

I thought, after juvie, I could start a new life. Become someone better.

Have a new life, a fresh start. A nicer home, a safer one.

I was ready to be the best I could be.

But this place, my new 'home' is no way to start fresh.

My care taker, Miss Shio is a drunk who likes to bring strange men over.

She doesn't even take care of the kids! She doesn't clean after herself, stay sober, or treats is nicely...

I'm basically saying she doesn't do shit except spend the money she gets for the kids on herself, sure she used to get groceries and clothes for them, but she stopped when I showed up.

Ever since I ended up here, I've been taking care of everyone. I'm the oldest of the child here, so I feel like I have to.

They're just kids.

But there are some pros of staying here. I'm helping these kids for starters. When I got here, they weren't in very good shape. You couldn't necessarily tell if they were treated bad if they cleaned themselves up a bit, but it was noticeable if you knew what to look for.

Plus, I'm not so lonely. These kids are actually great company...

And my older sister, Daitan, does not know I'm staying here. Though there is some people who know I'm here, I've told them to keep my location quiet from her.

She's not exactly fond of me. I don't know why though... she's just always hostile towards me after I was named heir of the Suzuki Family house...

Okay, so maybe I do know why she hates me. I mean, she is older than I am and father always favoured me.

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