Chapter 8: Meeting

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I waltzed up to the cafe wearing loose black cargo pants, a large loose white t-shirt, and my white and black Nikes. I had on a half black, half white bucket hat and a black mask over my mouth.

I walked in the door, holding it open for the next person.

I quickly scanned the almost empty cafe, since it was almost its closing time.

My eyes immediately found the white haired pale man wearing a white button up and tan striped classic overalls in the corner of the cafe, drinking a cup of what was most likely tea.

He loves green tea.

His face marked in red scars over his eyes and across his face.

His pale red eyes met my grey-silver ones as I sat down across from him. I leaned back against the back rest letting out a deep breath.

"Well, well, well. Look at you." Ace smirked as he rested his elbows on the table in front of us, placing his chin on the back of his hands. "You've grown up so much. I almost miss the scrawny kid who wouldn't stop following me around."

"That's was a long time ago. And I wasn't that scrawny. I was like, 6 years old. I was average size." I spoke through my mask.

The waiter came up to us and sent us a kind smile. "Welcome to the Corner Cafe, is there anything I could get you?"

I squinted my eyes as if I was smiling under the mask, about to answer, but Ace beat me to it.

"She'll get a ice tea, and can I could some more green tea?" Ace smiled sweetly up at the blonde server, handing her his cup.

She blushed as she wrote in her note pad and nodded. She then grabbed the cup. "Of course."

"Thanks darling." Ace flashed his grin at her, causing me to roll my eyes and her to blush even more.

He watched her walk away.

He is just the same as I remember.

"And don't worry, it's on me today." Ace smiled at me.

"Do you have to flirt with her? You'll just get her caught up in your shit." I raised an eyebrow at him.

He gasped loudly, a fake shocked expression on his face. "Such vulgar words for such a young girl. Did your parents ever teach you manners?"

I pursed my lips and stared at him, knowing damn well that he knows I was taught manners.

He grinned at me, tilting his head in fascination. "You've completely changed. Wow... I like this you so much better than the little obedient killer you used to be. How have you been? I heard you even did some time in juvie. That must have been hard, right?"

He chuckled.

"Why did you want to see me, Ace?" I got right to the point. Not wanting to be seen with this man.

I wasn't going to show up, but I let my curiosity get the best of me.

Ace was a big part of my past. He was there for me a lot more than my father was. He was one of my teachers, and he also stuck around to actually hang out.

He taught me what most fathers would... how to ride a bike, tie your shoe, how to protect yourself from people who are out to kill you, and how to kill others.

But even with all of that, we never tried to find or talk to each other after my old home was raided.

I still see him as the closest thing I have to a real father... even though I'll never tell him that.

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