Chapter 28: Beginning of the Games

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I stood in front of the class 1-A door, not able to leave because of the large groups of students blocking my way.

I stared at them, my mask still on my face as I did.

They seemed to be nervous at my stare.

Is my mask intimidating?

"Why are they all here!?" Uraraka exclaimed at the sight.

"Do you students have some business with our class?" Iida said behind me.

"Why are you blocking our doorway? I won't let you hold us hostage!" Mineta yelled.

They just whispered and stared, as if they were eyeing us up.

I chuckled deeply, tilting my head down as I stared. "Come to check out the competition, huh?"

"Huh?" Uraraka heard me and became confused.

"They're scouting the competition, idiots." Bakugo came up beside me, standing in front of the group of students. "We're the class that survived a real villain attack. They want to see us with their real eyes."

I glanced over to him.

"See any real competition?" I asked him with a smirk.

He sent me a side eye only to tsk. "Nope, not even you."

"Mmh. Funny, Bakugo." I scrunched my face sarcastically as we both turned to look at the group.

They became even more nervous.

"At least you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it, extras." His face calm as he spoke a bit louder for them to hear.

"You can't walk around along people extra just because you don't know who they are!" Iida yelled at the blond next to me.

I gripped my bag strap that was over my shoulder.

"You have a mean way of talking to people you have a possibility of working with in the future." I told him which made him look at me. "You made the same mistake with me."

"That was one time. And you're still an extra." He told me making me scoff.

"You wound me." I put a hand over my heart as I ignored his glare.

"So this is Class 1-A." A voice came from the crowd. A boy with messy purple hair and eye bags pushed through and stood in front of us. "I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass."

I raised an eyebrow at the boy who looks similar to Aizawa.

"Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or just you?" He stared at Bakugo.

I smiled at his words, but Bakugo didn't seem to like them.

"Just him." I pointed my thumb to the blond.

He rolled his eyes.

"How sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs." He rubbed the back of his head as he spoke sarcastically. "I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track. Such as life."

I heard Bakugo tsk again in annoyance.

"I didn't cut it the first time around. But I have another chance. If any of us do well in the Festival, the teachers can decide whether to transfer us to the hero course. And they'll have to transfer people out to make room." He stared at Bakugo, keeping his voice calm and collect as well as his expression.

But then his eyes went to me. I blocked his view from peeking into the class.

He seemed to be strong... with his demeanour and way of talking.

TAINTED (Izuku M.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ