Chapter 2: Therapy

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"Goodbye, Yamamoto-san!" I waved goodbye to the woman who I had helped carry her groceries.

She lives across the road from us. She's always been nice to the me and the kids, so I've always been trying to make it up to her.

She waved goodbye and walked into her house.

I turned around and started down the street towards the city.

I wish I could drive. But, sadly I'm not old enough yet.

But I don't want a car, I want a motorcycle. Those things are cool as fuck.

Imagine how badass I would look to pull up on a motorcycle. Like on tv shows or in movies.

I chuckled quietly to myself.

I still talk to a few people from my past. One being my old friend/butler from my old home. He helps out from time to time. But he can't help out too much or he'll be caught too. He's more close to Daitan, but still keeps my location secret.

I'm sure he doesn't like it, but he knows I care about her too.

Another person I know, well, we just met by accident and I know he's not exactly a good guy...

He still pops by though. He's really annoying.

Threatens to tell Daitan about where I am, so I let him come around when he does. He likes to wear black, has black hair, and is really scary looking. He's got really bad scars covering his body, but I never asked about them.

And some people I've met when I was a job. They're normal people... well I think so anyway. They're pretty chill. They're actually my age. Rue and Quin.

After about 10 minutes of walking, I was surrounded by large buildings.

My orphanage isn't in the city. It's more on the outer area. UA is about an hour walk away.

Whenever I get the chance, I like to travel the city. Just randomly walk around and see everything. I will bring the kids along too.

I would take a left here to go to the park, but I can't. Because right now, I have to meet up with my therapist... yes, thats right. I go to therapy.

It was requirement given by the prosecutor of my trial I had to undertake because of the "trauma" of living with my father. They just want to prevent me from becoming a villain.

I mean, there is trauma, but this therapy stuff is stupid.

I don't really like her, the therapist. I think it's just because I have, as she puts it, trust issues.

Dr. Ohno is nice and all, but there's something about the way she acts towards me that makes me feel uneasy.

I know I'm supposed to tell her about my life and how I'm feeling, but I just can't.

I don't like her. And I've asked for a new therapist, but she said they declined my request. Which I know is bullshit.

I opened the door of the building she works in. I walked up to the front desk.

"Hi, I have an appointment with Dr. Ohno." I told the woman who had stopped typing on her computer.

She smiled up at me and nodded. She began typing again. "Alright, sweetie. Dr.Ohno.... here she is."

I looked around and noticed there were three people in the waiting area, one man and two women. The man wasn't all that muscular, but was still fit. And his stance shows that he has confidence in himself. Like his posture is lose and open, no sign of shrinking back or awkwardness. He's probably got a cool quirk too.

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