Chapter 26: Secrets pt.2

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The young doctor stared at his notes after finishing telling me my injuries and the nurses checking up on me.

So, basically, I have one major injury involving internal bleeding, 2 broken ribs, a bad concussion, irritated hands, and two bullet grazes on my leg and arm.

The rest are just bruises and a busted lip from Daitan.

But the biggest injury I faced was the punch I received from the Nomu.

Because I was punched so hard, it caused some internal bleeding and they had to do surgery to stop it.

But lucky, it was small. I was scolded for opening my stitch when I bowed to Aizawa.

I have a small incision stitched up on my abdomen which is bandaged up all the way around my body, going up and over my chest because of my broken ribs.

My hands wrapped up, and my finger individually as well.

My left upper arm and left thigh were wrapped up too, because of the bullet wounds. 4 stitches each, so they're not that bad.

The pain in my head was from my sudden over-use of my quirk. That moment it became more... powerful.

Other than that, I would say I'm fine...

I'm no where as near as bad as Aizawa.

"You'll be fine to leave later tonight, but stay in bed when you get home and don't over exert yourself. No training of any kind at UA until I give the okay. And you must come back in 1 week for a check up. At that time, we'll see if the stitches need to be removed." He told me while pointing his pen at me, his voice full of authority.

I nodded, holding my mask in my hand.

They told me All Might came by and visited. He cleaned my mask from me and took my hero costume back to the school to be repaired...

I'll have to thank him tomorrow.

I felt his eyes on me, but I didn't look away from my all-white mask. I wiped the front of it with my thumb.

The silence loud as neither one of us knew what to say.

This is so awkward!

"It's nice to see you again, Athena." His voice softer than it was when he was being a doctor. "Even though the first time...which was the last time, we met you were a lot different than now. It great to see you doing better."

I glanced up at him, my head not moving. Just my eyes.

"Last time, you saw me covered in someone else's blood, but this time you've seen me covered in my own." I stated, feeling myself remembering old times.

He pursed his lips and nodded, looking down to the floor. His eyes holding a pity-filled stare.

It was my last mission... I was sent to kill a woman who had tried to kill Daitan and injured her badly. Daitan was bed ridden for almost 5 months.

Because she hurt Daitan... I didn't hesitate...

And after I realized how happy I was to actually kill someone for the first time...

It was my last straw.

I wondered around for a bit, ignoring my time limit set by my father when on missions. I remembered not even knowing where I was until I was caught by someone in the alleyway behind a hospital.

It was this man, Lyle Ikari, was that young doctor who found me.

I remember him being frighten and tried to go inside, but the door closed and it locked after it did. So he was stuck with me.

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