Chapter 38: Hero Killer

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"Manual! Use your water to put out the fire!" A hero yelled out to the other after breaking the fire hydrant.

Manual? Isn't that the guy Iida's interning with?

"Damn it, Tenya! Where did you run off to!?" His words made me freeze.

I ignored the two as they put out the fires and grabbed Izuku's arm as he tried to pass me.

"I have to ask him where Iida is." Izuku tried to get me to let go, but I didn't. "Athena!"

"Izuku, listen to me." My tone made Izuku stop immediately. His panicked eyes found mine.

He's worried...

I softened at the stare.

"Iida is after the hero killer, and I think he may have found him." I dragged the boy away from the heroes, giving them space to do their thing.

"What...?" He gasped as his mind raced with thoughts.

"You've noticed all the clues, connect the dots. He wants revenge." I stated as the heroes began losing their fight.

I want to help, but Iida...

I gripped Izuku's arm as I thought of how dangerous it would be for Izuku and Iida to face Stain alone.

And not only that, we'll be facing some pretty bad consequences.

We have no hero license... we'll be punished if we try to save him...

My mind couldn't help but go back to what my uncles said.

We try to be heroes, but we are only going to be punished for it...

I tsked.

"Let's go." Izuku's face became hard as he spoke those words, determined to save our friend.

He grabbed my hand and started running. I was dragged along with him.

I could feel his grip tighten as we ran down the street of Hosu City, looking in every dark alleyway we passed.

Then we turned and started running through the alleyways.

Izuku's body engulfed in green lightning as he ran, making him faster than before.

I had to use my quirk to keep up.

He's had quite the productive internship, I see.

I'm glad, but asking questions now would be a hassle, so I'll have to wait.

I followed him through the darkness of the alleys, looking down each one.

Iida is no match for Stain, especially if he's blinded by revenge.

And Stain will do whatever it takes to succeed in his goal.

He hates fakes.

And right now... Iida is a prime example of someone using their quirk for their own selfish deeds.

But... he's not a bad guy...

God! Ace! You messed up my head!

As we past one particular alleyway, I saw it. Three figures in the alleyway. One against the wall, one standing, while another... was on the ground.

Izuku was gone first.

I followed in suit.

"Smash!" I heard him yell as he swung his fist towards a person, sending the them flying back.

He landed on the ground, standing between Stain and Iida.

"Don't worry, Iida. We're here to save you." Izuku stated to the boy most likely paralyzed on the ground.

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