Start Of A New Relationship

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She just smile happily. "Of course! I believe everyone should get a second chance. Not to mention, I don't believe in rumors."

Rumors...after I broke up with Hanabira Sakura. A rumor spread. A rumor about me breaking up with her because I don't think I deserve to be loved by someone as kind as her. This rumor come from a person who was listening on our conversation.

Well, it looks like me, crying, really did throw them off the course. I ought to give myself a pat in the back after this.

"Then, can I call you Raion-kun?" I just nod, she smile happily.

I scratched my head and I swear to any god, except Arthur, I just blush

I heard her chuckle.

"Then can I call you by your name?" She nod. "My name is Shimazaki Aimi."  She then abruptly hug me tightly. I was frozen for a while, but I soon return the hug.

"Thank you, Aimi.."

Thank you for letting me know, that I'm not that much of an asshole

The author has use the almighty power of time skip

We talk about a lot of things. What we like, our birthday and so on. It's getting late, so we decided to go back to the dorm

I wave her goodbye. After she's far away, I punch myself in the face and groan

"Uggghhhh!!" I crouch down as I hide my face. Am I turning into a simp?


I'm not.

I'm having an emotional attack. I can't take this

Why now of all time?

Why am I remembering that place?

Am I traumatized?

Everyone will, everyone will be broken if they go there

One of my kidney got damaged because of that place. But what damaged the most is my mental health. I'm mentally broken. I don't even know why I'm here

This place just make me remember that place. Unexpected test to nurture you. Expelling as a punishment. Drama everywhere. A place that look like it give you choice, when in fact it didn't

This place and that place is just a fancy version of cage. A cage that take away my freedom

This place just make me remember all the things that I want to forget.

Is it because I found someone similar to me that I unlocked all those unwanted memories that'll only hold me back?

I don't really mind the memories.

But why of all people, why of all the new people I need to meet, both of them almost had the same personalities as that person

My first love

Why am I here again?


Oh right, drama

I sigh and get up. Not wanting to be more pathetic than I already am. I stretch a little and walk back to my dorm


I quickly take a shower after I got back to my dorm.

I always come out with weird thing to talk about. Don't blame me, I'm not really good at starting a normal conversation.

Then again, what's normal?

Anyway, looking at how I just got into a new relationship, it just make me remember how me, Kiyotaka and Katsuragi become close

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