☾Chapter Five☽

Start from the beginning

"Please?" I ask softer. My father slowly backs out of my room, not bothering to close the door.

I sigh before closing the door. He's stubborn, just like me, and he won't stop until he knows about this child.


An hour later, I'm sitting at a table in the cafe drinking hot tea.

There wasn't many people in the warm, old-fashioned cafe; the cafe oddly reminds me of home.

"This building has been around for the longest," Titus's deep voice meets my ears. I suck in a breath as my hand finds my stomach beneath my cardigan.

Looking up, I see the man that helped put me in this mess. He looked the same, except for a little stubble on his chin.

He looks even better, I think lustfully. I scold myself quickly.

Titus's muscles tighten. "You're lucky I came at all. After that little scam you pulled, I don't think I can trust you."

Something inside of me squeezes, a discomforting feeling that I blame on the child growing inside of me.

"Look, you have to understand that it was necessary," I glance around the cafe before looking back at him, "You can't just steal something that lethal and then not expect us to steal it back."

Titus rolls his eyes. "Stop scolding me and get to the chase. You're really pushing it, Vladimira," He growls lowly.

I sigh before letting my hand drop from my stomach. It's just two words, I think calmly.

"I'm pregnant."

Titus's eyes start to take on an amber hue. His hands grip the table tightly, making my tea spill over my cup onto my hand.

I gasp as I rub my scorched hand. "Titus-"

Suddenly, Titus takes my hand into a tight grip. His golden eyes stare into mine, pure abhorrence clear in his eyes.

"Please tell me you're lying, so help me god if you aren't," He growls out. I pull my hand away quickly before rubbing my wrist.

"I'm not lying, Titus. This child-"

Titus once again cuts me off. "I used protection, you can't be pregnant."

Titus and I stare at each other for a moment.

Now I understand why we're enemies...

"The condom must of broke, because I don't only have one positive pregnancy test, but I have two positive pregnancy tests," I say seriously.

Titus shakes his head, his hand running through his brown hair. "You don't even have the pregnancy test, for all I could know, you could be lying."

My eyes narrow into slits. "First of all, Titus, I don't enjoy being called a liar. Secondly, I know you're older than me, but I'm still your queen, and you will not disrespect me. Thirdly, I do have the pregnancy test," I sneer.

Titus's eyes are wide after my little outburst. Usually lunas keep their cool, but I couldn't help it, my mood swings have been crazy lately.

"Can I see the pregnancy test, Vladimira?" Titus asks softer.

Sighing, I pull the pregnancy tests out of my purse and hand them to Titus.

Titus stiffens as he looks over the pregnancy tests, he shakes his head. "You have to get an abortion."

I nod. "I already know that. When I get home, I'm going to call my pack doctor and set up an appointment," I say truthfully.

Titus shakes his head. "Do it here, right now. I want to make sure you're not scamming me again."

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