Chapter 44 - Bite of 87 : Life

Start from the beginning

Spanda screamed when I kicked him and went limp, still crying and holding his privates as I backed up and stood next to Robin.

Robin sweatdropped and looked between me and Franky, but mostly Franky, and I sweatdropped too. At least I landed one kick, not dragging him by my teeth like a rag doll.

I started cackling when Spanda asked for help, because CP9 didn't help him until he called Yoyoi guy's real name and Yoyoi guy helped him.

Yoyoi guy used his staff as his hair was growing bigger to hit Franky's chains, causing him to hit the ground, and sent Apanda back flying until he hit the roof and stuck there.

I started chuckling.

"Oh? Where did Chief Spandam go?" Yoyoi Guy asked, looking around dramatically.

Once Spanda regained consciousness, he started beating up Franky. I have only two guesses from why I wasn't touched.

One. He was about too, then that Jabra guy reminded Spanda that "I'm a world noble".

And Two. I'm a Woman, but scum as low as him, I feel like he would hit a woman, which is why I'm compelled to believe the first guess.

"It seems that your temperament hasn't changed at all, huh, Cutty Flam?" Spanda said, mushing his foot into Franky's face, "If I had realized sooner that you were alive and had the blueprints, I wouldn't have had to go through all this trouble... Since we could have just brought you in for your past crimes!" Spanda smirked as he pressed his heel harder.

"On the contrary, that old fellow disciple, Iceberg, was a problem. After Tom died, he brought all of the shipbuilding companies together, and organized a big company together by himself. And then, he approached the world government, which he must've had a grudge against, and soon his company established its position as a purveyor to the world government.

He's the president of the shipbuilding company in Galley-La and the mayor of the city of water, Water Seven. After he became a figure that everyone supported and that was indispensable to the world government, we couldn't meddle with him carelessly."

Franky looked like he was thinking about something. Like this was new information, but his face was stone cold, almost like a resting bitch face.

"He was a smart man," Spanda continued, "However, the winds started blowing in my favor! Just when I couldn't take any longer and was about to use forceful measures... Admiral Aokiji sent me the good news..."

Robin seemed pulled from her trance to hear this, and I was stunned as well.

"... That Nico Robin and (Y/N) (L/N) were headed to Water Seven on a pirate ship."

I was better at hiding my emotions, but Robin wasn't, who looked visually distressed.

"I drank a cup of coffee to calm myself down and put all the conditions, including Buster call, into the plan of operations."

That made me nervous. I know what a buster call did, and believe it or not, I know what it did to Ohara. I looked at Robin and she kept her face as still as possible.

"Well, there was a bit of a change in the plans, But look!" Spanda threw his arms into the air, "Both keys to the weapon and the amount of money needed to make the weapon are right here in front of me!" He laughed.

'Am... Am I the money?! Why would they get money for capturing me? The marines don't get the bounties on pirates, it gets sent to the Government!'

"Do you get it? The winds of the entire world are blowing in my favor." He started maniacally laughing again, "A power strong enough to give me control over any country I might desire is in my hands now!"

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