Chapter 67: Fry the Third-Wheeler🥲

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Olivia's POV

I sat down on some crates with a huff after storming out of the room.

Of course I understand why everyone - or at least most of them - hated me now. I was most likely the daughter of the enemy. I could easily be working with WCKD as far as they were concerned.

I took slow, deep breaths, gulping in the air, desperately trying to calm myself down.

"Liv, you alright?" Fry's voice cut through my anger, my guilt, my sadness.

"Yeah. Uh, yeah, I'm fine." I forced a smile onto my face as I looked up at him.

"You sure? That was pretty intense back there."

I stayed silent for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Eventually, I just decided to change the subject.

"So... Newt and Thomas, huh? When did that happen?" I asked.

"Not long after you were taken by WCKD. Honestly, it's been shucking awful third-wheeling those guys," Fry admitted, chuckling slightly at the end.

"Yeah. But you had Jorge and Brenda, though, right? And others."

"True. But they were the only two people from the Glade left, so I spent most of my time around them."

Silence falls again.

"You found anyone?" I questioned.


"Well... Brenda's cute, isn't she?" I smirked, bumping his shoulder with my own.

"Yeah," he blushed, looking down at the floor.

"Oo, someone has a cruuush," I teased.

"Shut it. She doesn't see me as anything more than a friend." He folded his arms across his chest with a defeated sigh.

"I dunno. I saw the way she's been looking at you. You may have a chance after all," I said.

"You sure?" He looked hopeful.

"Yeah," I told him, smiling.

More silence.

"How are you feeling now that Gally's back?"

I inhaled sharply. "Shit," I sadly laughed. "I feel completely shit."

"That's understandable," Fry nodded, patting my knee.

"Hey, what are your thoughts on Tia?"

"Total bitch!"

"I know right!" I smiled. "Wait, you're not just saying that, right?"

"Nope. The way she acts... Ugh." He pauses. "Seriously, though, how are you holding up?"

"Honestly? I'm getting there. I think. Right now, everything feels numb and unreal. I haven't really been able to process anything that's happened to me recently. I'm dreading when all the emotions properly start to kick in. Like, yeah, I'm sad and angry and want revenge, but at the same time I have no energy and I physically can't fight anymore or do anything. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah. It does."

Frypan and I continue talking for a while, until Jorge calls us back in for a meeting; Gally, Thomas and Newt are back.


"No, there's gotta be another way," Thomas said, walking back to the table we were all standing around.

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