Chapter 10: A Couple Months Later

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Olivia's Pov

It's a couple months later. Gally is still being a giant shuckface to me, and it's really getting on my nerves.

When Alby held a Keepers meeting to see if I could become a Runner, Gally was completely against it. In his words: "No! Absolutely not! It's too dangerous for her! She stays as a Cook, and that's final. A lot of boys are close to her and imagine if they all lost her because Minho couldn't get her back in time. You really want to risk her shucking life out there?!" He said other things too and by the time he had finished, most people agreed with him, so I had to stay as a Cook. Frypan didn't take it to heart that I would rather be a Runner than a Cook, thank god.

And being a Runner isn't the only thing Gally has been really overprotective about; he made a giant fuss when he saw me using a big knife once while i was cooking, and lectured Frypan about how I shouldn't be let near it. He also stopped me from doing lots of other little things that weren't even that dangerous! I'm surprised he hasn't locked me in my room at this rate.

"See you, Minho!" I wave to him and the other Runners as they go into the Maze.

I start walking, not really concentrating, when I bump into someone, causing me to fall over.

"Watch where you're going, shank!" I don't need to look at them to know it's Gally.

"Sorry" I mutter with a hint of sarcasm.

"You're lucky I'm not in a bad mood"

"This is you in a good mood?" I raise my eyebrow. "Now you gonna help me up or what?"


I scoff. "Charming" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes then standing up. "I've gotta go help Frypan" I walk off.

Gally's Pov

Today is boiling. It gets so unbearable, I have to take my shirt off, like most of the other boys.

When Olivia walks out of the kitchen, wearing a tight crop top lacking the hoodie she usually wore to get something, most of the boys stopped work to stare, and a few boys even had the nerve to wolf whistle. Could they really not control themselves?! It's just a top! What's wrong with that?! I know they're used to seeing her wear a baggy hoodie or something, probably because she's scared of this exact thing happening, but it's no excuse.

I quickly get back to my work and yell at the other Builders to do the same.

That night, it's still hot and I struggle to fall asleep. I go for a walk in the now-empty Glade, the midnight moon making the Glade look beautiful. Then my eyes land on her. Olivia. Somehow, every time I see her, she looks even more beautiful.

She's sitting on the grass in the flowers, making something out of them. I approach her, nervousness washing over me.

"Hey" I say, making her jump.

"What the shuck do you want?" she asks, trying to hide whatever she is making.

"What you doing?" I plop down on the grass next to her.

"Nothing" Her hair covers her face, which even masked by the darkness I can tell is stained with a blush. She's embarrassed.

"Show me" I command, a bit more sternly than I meant to.

"Why are you suddenly being nice again? You gotta make up your mind, slinthead" She looks directly at me, her face now impossible to read.


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