Chapter 22: The Lake

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Gally's Pov

"Liv! It's been an hour! You can't walk yet!" I try to tell her, but she won't listen. She's too stubborn.

"I'm fine, Gally" she insists.

"No. You're not. Rest"

She stands up and tries to walk, but collapses in pain, breaking a table in the process. I help her back to her bed.

"Told you" I smirk.

"Ok fine. You may have been right" She rolls her eyes.

"If you keep trying to walk before your ankle is healed, it's only going to get worse, love" I squeeze her hand.

"But I don't wanna sit here completely useless! It's only a twisted ankle, Gal. You're overreacting"

"You just nearly died! So I'm sorry if I'm being cautious" I get up and leave.


I ignore her and get to work and don't visit her at all, no matter how much I may have wanted to. She needs to realise that there are people who care about her and want to make sure she's ok.

That night, I start to feel bad so I sneak into the medshack and apologise to Liv. She forgives me, and I spent the rest of the night with her.

Liv is allowed to leave the Medshack pretty quickly, even though her ankle still hasn't completely healed, so I help her to my hut. After what nearly happened, I want her as close to me as possible; I can't lose her.

"Gally, I can walk myself, y'know. You don't have to carry me!"

"Ok, then. Walk" I put her down, and as soon as she puts some weight on her bad ankle, she's in obvious pain. "You still sure you can walk?" I ask her.

"Of course I am" She starts slowly limping towards my hut, her face showing how much it hurts.

"Princess, just let me carry you. If you carry on walking, you're going to make your ankle worse"

"I'm fine!" she insists. I roll my eyes and scoop her up in my arms.

"Sure you are" I laugh. I bring her to my hut and gently lay her down on the bed, then put the covers on her.

"Get some rest, darling. I've got to do my job, but I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise" I kiss her forehead then join the other builders.

"You're one lucky fella" Alec remarks the next morning.

"You mean having Liv as my girlfriend? I know" I start making a table to replace one that was broken in the Medshack by Liv.

"You need to be careful with Olivia. If you hurt her, every boy in the Glade will hate you" Alec tells me.

"How come?" I ask.

"You're the one she picked. Not them. So if you hurt her-"

"I'm not going to hurt her. I never would" I say, then carry on with my work.

Olivia's Pov

It's getting really boring by myself in Gally's hut, so I get up off the bed, trying to ignore the pain, and have a look around his room. When I don't find anything interesting, I leave and go and find Gally.

When I reach him, I hug him from behind, surprising him.

"Liv! Why aren't you resting?" He turns around so he's facing me, not letting go of me.

"I was getting bored" I rest my head on his chest.

"You can be really stubborn sometimes. You know that, right?" He pulls me closer to him.

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