Chapter 30: The Maze

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A/n: Ok but that photo of Will😍

Olivia's Pov

After a couple of weeks of training, Minho said I was ready to go into the Maze. Gally had gone back to being a Builder, and now supported me in my decision to become a Runner.

I was cuddled up against Gally in his hut, slight nervous since I knew that I would be going into the Maze tomorrow.

"Good luck tomorrow, love" Gally says, kissing my forehead.

"Thank you" I snuggle into him more.

"How are you feeling?"

"Nervous. But also excited"

"Thought so. Get back with plenty of time to spare before the Doors shut, ok?"

"I will. I promise"

"Thank you" I could tell Gally was relieved that I wouldn't leave returning to the Glade to the last minute.

The next day, Minho wakes me up about ten minutes before the Doors were going to open.

I get up carefully, not wanting to wake Gally, and get dressed. Just as I'm about to pull my t-shirt over my head, Gally wakes up.

"Hey, angel"

"Gally! Look away!" I hiss, suddenly self conscious of my topless body under his gaze.


"I'm getting dressed!"

"So? I'm your boyfriend. It shouldn't matter"

"I'm in my bra!" I whisper-yell, not wanting to wake anyone up.

"I know. I can see that, darling" He stands up and walks over to me. He takes my top out of my hands and throws it on the floor. "You know..." he whispers, his voice low and husky.


He starts playing with my bra strap, smirking. "You could always stay here today and we could have a bit of fun"

"No, Gally! Stop it! I don't want to!" I step away from him, snatching my t-shirt up off of the floor and putting it on as quick as I can.

"I'm sorry" he mutters, clearly embarrassed about what he just said and did.

I sigh. "It's ok" I hug him, refusing to let go. Maybe I didn't want to become a Runner after all. I'm a lot more scared than I should be.

"I'll see you soon, then, love" he mutters into my ear, before letting go of me.

"Bye. I love you"

"I love you too" He smiles and pecks my lips.

I run out of the hut and meet Minho, who's tapping his foot impatiently.

"Took you long enough" he remarks.

"Gally woke up. I was saying goodbye"

"Alright, fair enough, it is your first day. Before we go into the Maze, you'll need some stuff. Follow me"

Minho leads me into a small hut in the forest. Inside there, there are harnesses, trainers, weapons, pencils, notepads, and a lot more.

"What size are you?" he asks.


"Shoes. What size shoe are you?"

"Oh. I'm a five and a half"

"Damn, you got tiny feet" he says, while rummaging around in some boxes.

"Or have you just got giant feet?" I laugh.

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