Chapter 38: The Minho Boyfriend Experience Gone Wrong

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Olivia's Pov

"Come on, Olivia. I need to officially ask you out" Minho tugs my hand and leads me towards the centre of the Glade. "EVERYONE GATHER ROUND!" he commands. When everyone is near us, he turns to me. I scan the crowd and see Gally right at the back, looking at me with sad eyes.

I quickly turn my attention back to Minho.

"Olivia..." He gets down on one knee and takes hold of my hands. "Will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend for three days? And you have to say yes because you lost the bet"

"Yes" I sigh.

"More enthusiasm!"

"Yes, Minho, I would love to be your girlfriend!"

"SHE SAID YES!" he cheers, picking me up and placing me on his shoulders, making me laugh.

I look back at Gally. We lock eyes for a second, but then he turns around and walks away. Why the hell did I agree to this bet?

"Ohhh girlfriend!" Minho calls. "It's dinner, and I'm starving!"

"Coming" I say.

To put it lightly, dinner was a nightmare. I was forced by my 'boyfriend' to sit on his lap while I ate, and he wouldn't stop talking about really dirty things (that included me) the entire time.

"I'm not having sex with you" I say, really fed up of what he's saying.

"That's what you're thinking now" He winks.

"And it's what I will be thinking for the rest of my life" I roll my eyes.

Newt's Pov

All throughout dinner, I could tell Olivia was extremely uncomfortable. Minho was taking this whole thing way too far.

"A word, Minho?" I ask, glaring at him.

"Uhh... sure?"

I stand up and walk off, expecting Minho to follow me. When we're out of earshot of everyone else, I slap him round the back of his head.

"What the shuck was that for?!" he exclaims.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?! Olivia and Gally just broke up, and you're already doing all this klunk?! I get it, you like her, and you have for a while, but you really think this will win her over? Lay off her a bit, mate"

"I'm doing what she wants. She wants everyone to act as if her and Gally didn't date at all, so that's exactly what I'm doing. You can't yell at me for that"

"But you're still making her extremely uncomfortable. What you were saying at dinner..." I sigh. "Look, I'm her best friend, and-"

"I'm her best friend too. And also her boyfriend at the moment, so just leave me to do what I need to do, m'kay?"

"No. End this now before you take things even further"

"You're no fun. You know that, right?" He pokes me in the chest.


"When Nick was here-"

"Don't bring that up"

"Well I am. What you gonna do about it? We shouldn't just completely forget about him because he died. It's not fair. Without him, the Glade would be complete chaos! Anyway, when Nick was here and you weren't second in command, you were loads of fun. Now you're just uptight and boring"

"It's because I have a Glade to run and fifty or so teenage boys to keep in line, plus two girls! I have to set a good example or whatever, and make sure people know I'm there for them, but at the same time need to let them know that I won't take any of their shit and that I'm not a pushover! It's hard to balance! Ok?! I don't think I can do this shucking job much longer!" I storm off in the direction of my hut, leaving Minho there.

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