Chapter 39: Life is Gonna Suck for a While.

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Olivia's Pov

The Griever stood still as it looked down the narrow corridor that Ella and I were hiding in. God I'm so stupid! Why couldn't I have just held my sneeze for a few seconds longer? If I had, we would be alive, no chance of death.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realise the Griever had reached its tail into the passage and had latched onto Ella. It roughly yanked her out into the open, and I yelled.

Before I could escape myself, another tail snaked its way in and grabbed me too.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" I shout, getting hold of my small dagger and attacking the monster, but obviously it was pointless. A tiny blade can't do anything against a Griever.

"OLIVIA! HELP ME!" I look to my right and see Ella trying to fight off the Griever.

"SHIT!" I exclaim. "GET OFF OF HER RIGHT NOW!" I get free then lunge at the Griever that was attacking Ella. I pierce its skin with my dagger, over and over, until its disgusting guts are littering the floor and it drops on the ground, dead.

I was so caught up in killing that Griever, that the other one had completely slipped my mind.

"Olivia" Ella's voice is weak, as if she was using all the energy she had left to speak. But that couldn't be right. She couldn't be dying. I had killed the Griever. We were safe. Right?

I turn around and see Ella. She's collapsed in a heap, parts of her body bending ways that they shouldn't. Her face is covered in cuts and bruises, matching the rest of her body.

There were rips in her clothes, with blood seeping out of different wounds.

But there was one cut that intrigued me. Rather than the crimson red blood, there was a thick, black substance coming out of it. It resembled something similar to tar, and it freaked me out.

"What happened?" I pick Ella up and place her in my lap, cradling her.

"The- the Griever. I- it Stung me. I- I tried to fight it off. I'm sorry" Ella spoke in between sobs, trying to keep her eyes open, desperate not to die.

"Oh my god. It's ok, Ella. Just survive the night, then we can get you help. Stay strong. I know you can" I'm trying to fight the tears that are threatening to spill, not wanting to worry her further, but it gets harder and harder with each second that passes.

She suddenly sits up and violently coughs. That same black tar spills from her mouth, dribbling down her chin. I use the hem of my t-shirt to wipe it clean, but more appears.

"Please kill me" Ella begs.

"What? Are you crazy?!" I exclaim, barely being able to comprehend the words that had just came out of her mouth.

"Not yet. But I will be soon!"

Third Person's Pov

Olivia couldn't bring herself to kill Ella. She held onto a small scrap of hope that she would be able to save her. The boys would help too; nobody would want to see the young girl die.

"No!" Teresa choked back tears. Just as she reached the computer to stop the Grievers, her sister was Stung. She watched as she begged Olivia to kill her. How could WCKD send such a young child up into the Maze, forcing her to experience such horrors?

"It's ok, Teresa" Thomas pulled the girl into a tight hug, and she melted against him. "But we need to make sure they survive. That means moving any Grievers away from them. Ok?"

"Yes" she mumbled, her voice muffled as her head was pressed into Thomas' chest.

The pair stayed up all night making sure they would be ok. One would guard the door, and the other would control the Grievers.

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