Chapter 36: Newt's Gay?

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TW: Mentions of abuse

Olivia's Pov

I woke up freezing cold. I thought the covers had fell off me in the night, but when I opened my eyes, I saw that I was still tucked up in them.

I looked at Ella and saw her lips were turning blue. I covered her with my bit of the duvet too, and went off in search of more.

When I got outside, I stopped in my tracks. I looked around the Glade, my eyes wide. What the hell?! Is this even possible?!

The entire Glade was covered with a thick blanket of white, fluffy snow. Icicles hung off of buildings, and fresh flakes were falling from the sky. The snow was already a few inches deep, and it was only going to get deeper as the day progresses.

I thought I must be dreaming, so I pinch myself. No, I definitely wasn't dreaming.

Maybe I was hallucinating, then? I rub my eyes, but the winter wonderland in front of me was still there.

I go back inside my hut and wake up Gally, wanting to know if I was going insane (again), or not.

"Gal? Gal!" I whisper, gently shaking him.

Eventually, he stirs, mumbling something about wishing I didn't wake him up because he was having a nice dream for once.

"I'll apologise later, Gal, but you need to see something!" Despite my hushed tone, the sense of urgency in my voice was still easy to spot.

"Fine" He stands up, gets dressed, then walks outside with me. His eyes go wide as he scans his surroundings.

"I thought I was going mad" I remark. "But judging on your reaction, I don't think I am"

"We need to go to Alby. Now!" He roughly grabs hold of my hand and leads me to Alby's hut.

"Gally, there you are. We're having a Keepers meeting. Come on" Alby says.

"Can I come?" I ask.

"You're not a Keeper, love" Gally tells me, as if I wasn't already aware of that.

"I know, but I want to come anyway. Who knows? Maybe it will be good to have a girl's opinion on stuff" I cast a hopeful look to Alby, who seems to be considering it.

"Maybe next time" he says.

I grumble and walk out of the hut, back to my own.

Ella is awake when I get there.

"What time is it?" she mutters, sleepily rubbing her eyes.

"Time to get up. Come on. Wrap up warm, and we're going to have some fun"

We both put on a few extra layers, then go outside.

"I have an idea" I giggle. "We need to make as many snow balls as we can. That way, when we see any boys, we can ambush them. I think we have about half an hour until the Keepers meeting is done, and the Keepers should be our main target. You make as many snowballs as you can, and stash them secretly around the Glade. I'll make a fort, and then we'll be good to go. Can you do that?"

"Yeah" There's a mischievous glint in Ella's eye, which is exactly what I was hoping would happen; it means she's completely onboard with the plan, and not in the least bit nervous.

I get to work on making a sturdy fort. When I've done, I help Ella with the snow balls. I compact them as tightly as I can, knowing it would hurt a lot more.

I hear the door to the hut where Gatherings take place creak open, so I duck down behind the fort, signalling for Ella to do the same. We both stay as quiet as we can.

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