Chapter 62: Thomas Has A Fiery Night With Mystery Girl😍☝️

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I know she's not Will Poulter, but can we just please take a second to appreciate how FINE this woman was. Like- I'm literally in love with her omg.

Olivia's POV

Aris threw some logs on the fire so it didn't burn out while we were still awake and I sat down next to Newt.

"I thought we were supposed to be immune," Minho said.

"Not all of us, I guess," Teresa answered sadly, staring at the flickering flames.

"If Winston can get infected, we should assume the rest of us can." It was Newt that spoke. He was right. God, I hated that he was right. Any one of us could have that same terrible ending as him.

As a silence stretched out, I began to think about that more. Obviously, dying would be very bad. It would be awful, painful. But it would set me free. Free from this world, from WCKD, from the suffering I, and the other Gladers, have experienced. And who knows? Maybe I would be with Gally, Chuck and Ella again.

Maybe dying wasn't so bad after all. Maybe it was the only escape, the only choice.

"I never thought I'd say this," Frypan admitted, pulling me out of my thoughts, "but I miss the Glade." That one sentence hurt so much. Fuck, why the hell didn't I listen to Gally? He was right. He was so fucking right. We should have stayed. We had safety, security, a simpler life. But we don't out here.

The next day, it was harder to keep going. We had no energy, very little sleep and were running out of vital supplies very quickly.

Yet we carried on.

That night, I tossed and turned, but nothing I did seemed to make me fall asleep. I tried counting to five hundred, staying completely still for a while, however here I was, wide awake.

I decided to watch over the group, check everything was in order. A little while later, Thomas woke up and groggily tried to get everyone else up too.

"Get up," he said. "Newt, get up. Come on, let's go. Frypan, Aris. I see something."

"What is it?" Aris asked.

"You see that?" Thomas panted. "It's lights."

"We made it." Minho, like the rest of us, were in disbelief. A new spark of hope had been ignited inside of us.

A low crack of thunder made us turn our heads the other way. Lightning flashed, and dark clouds loomed over the horizon, quickly approaching us.

"Let's go. We gotta go. Come on," I ordered, taking charge. We're not dying now. Yes, maybe yesterday me would have had different feelings, but now? I wanna get the hell out of the Scorch and find this bloody Right Arm.

We started sprinting towards the lights, the storm giving chase, going far too fast for my liking. Soon, we were dodging lightning bolts and yelling encouraging words to each other.

"LET'S GO!" I screamed.

"We're getting closer!" Minho yelled.

"Yeah, no shit!" I retorted.

We were near now. So near, we passed abandoned cars and crates. The buildings were within our grasp, I could almost reach out and touch them. Despite the current situation, a smile spread across my face.

There could be supplies there - food, water - and a bed, plus more clothes. And electricity. The meals that Fry and I might be able to cook! Just like back in the Glade. The good old times.

However, Minho got struck and fell limp on the ground. Thomas and I were also knocked off of our feet, and I could hear a dull ringing in my ears that replaced the chaos of the world.

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