Chapter 40: Fresh Greenie, Fresh Start

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A/n: I am Zart in that situation^^💀✌️

Gally's Pov

"Olivia, we need to have a Gathering about what happened and what we're going to do" Alby approaches us, but I instantly glare at him.

"Alby, it can shucking wait. Can't you see she's not up to it right now?! Leave it for the time being"

"So we're just gonna leave a corpse in the middle of the Glade? Right. Understandable. Have a nice day"

"Alby!" I let go of Olivia to smack him round the back of his head for his insensitivity.

"Sorry. Anyway, we'll move her to a secluded part for the time being, and then hold a funeral and burial when you're feeling up to it, Liv. I'll leave you two to it. Take as much time off as you both need" Alby then leaves.

"Do you wanna go to bed?" I ask her, caressing her cheek.

"No sleep. But I do wanna lie down, yeah"

"Ok. Come on, sweetheart" I pick her up bridal style, then carry her to our hut, making sure to keep her hut that Ella used way out of her sight. I lie her down and pull the covers over her. I climb in beside her and and she snuggles into me. I gently rub circles on her back, and occasionally kiss the top of her head.

"I love you" she mumbles into my chest.

"I love you too. Forever and always" I can feel her smile against my chest.

Olivia's Pov

As I lay there, I reminisced about some of my favourite memories with Ella.

Gally and Ella were playing with each other. They looked like they were playing tag or something. Minho and I watched from afar.

"He'd make a brilliant father, wouldn't he?" Minho remarks.

"Who? Gally?"

"Nooo! The Grievers, of course" he replies, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Shut up, Mean-Hoe. But you're right. He would. He's really good at looking after her. I'm glad he decided to not pull his usual stunt with Greenies and intimidate her"

"Me too. Who would have expected Gally to be so kind and caring?"

"You don't know him like I do. He does have a caring side, he just doesn't show it in front of anyone other than me or Ella because he doesn't want to appear as weak or whatever"

"He'd be liked a lot more if he was like this all the time" Minho sighs.

"I know! That's what I keep telling him! He doesn't listen, though. He can be a right little stubborn shuck when he wants to be"

"I'm aware"

That day, I fell even more in love with Gally. I knew in that moment that it was this boy I wanted to marry and start a family with. It was this boy I wanted to spend my life with. I had had these feelings before, but never without a feeling of uncertainty, until that moment.

I also remember the time Gally carved Ella a small, wooden dog. She loved it so much, and carried it everywhere. The look on her face when he gave it to her filled me with joy. Her happiness was always contagious. God, I'm going to miss her.

The next day, Newt and Alby wanted to talk to me about what happened in the Maze. Usually, it would happen at a Gathering, however, given the circumstances, they limited who attended. It was just those two and Gally.

I explained everything that happened, holding onto Gally's hand the entire time. When I had started crying again, he wraps his free hand around my shoulder and presses a gentle kiss to my temple.

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