Chapter 12: The Rule

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Olivia's Pov

How the shuck were we supposed to explain this to Minho?!

"I'm waiting!" he says.

"Well, we like each other. So we kissed" Gally tells him.

"Yeah I got that but where are the details?! I wanna know!" Minho pleads.

"No, Minho" I tell him sternly, to which he replies with a groan.

"I hate you two!"

"Just please don't tell anyone. You can't at all. Not even Newt!" I beg him. He thinks for a moment then swears on his life he'll keep it a secret. He then runs off because the Bonfire is starting soon.

"You think he will tell people?" Gally asks, absentmindedly rubbing my arm.

"Sober Minho? No, not at all. But drunk Minho? Most likely" I groan and rest my forehead on Gally's shoulder. "I can't believe he saw that!"

"I'm screwed" Gally says after a while.

I look up at him, confused.

"When you first got here, Alby made some new rules. No touching you inappropriately, no making any comments about you-"

"Which the boys still do" I cut off Gally.

"I know. But the most important one was not to date you. If anyone broke those three rules, then they would get Banished" Gally doesn't quite meet my gaze when he says this.

"How am I only just hearing about this now?! Surely I should have some input if it's about me? And why would you get Banished for dating me! I understand the others, but with dating, I choose who they are because I like them"

"I know, but rules are rules, Liv"

"Well, the no dating rule is a pile of klunk! That rule didn't exist until I arrived, so Alby was perfectly ok with the boys dating, so why not me?!"

"To protect you. And the rules do work... kinda" Gally takes a step back from me, not wanting to be caught by anyone and be Banished.

"Wait" I say after a while. "Alby said no dating. But what about if we weren't dating? We could still do things people in a relationship do, but we're not in one! That way we won't be breaking Alby's stupid rule!" I'm quite proud of myself for finding a loophole.

"I don't want that" Gally states flatly, then walks off. This time, I let him.

"How could you be so stupid, Olivia?!" I punch a tree. "That was the worst idea ever! Kiss him and hug him and all that klunk, but we're not even dating?! You know what? Shuck this! I'm talking to Alby"

I walk back to the Glade, and Newt runs up to me.

"There you are!" he says.

"Yeah, yeah. Where's Alby?" I ask, trying to spot him.

"Why? Is everything ok? And you don't wanna be talking to him, he's super pissed and you're gonna go in the Pit tonight with me"

"Shuck, I forgot about that. But I still need to talk to him. It's really important and it can't wait"

"What is it?" Newt asks.

Do I tell him? He is one of my best friends, and I can't keep this from him. I'm going to tell him, but leave out the fact that it's Gally who I want to date.

"I kinda like someone and- and we kissed, but then he told me about the rules Alby made, and I want him to get rid of the no dating rule" Newt looks shocked.

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