Chapter 4: The Pit

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Olivia's Pov

Gally and I were taken to the pit.

"In," Alby instructed, holding open one door. Gally climbs in and I waited for Alby to lock it and put me in a different one. "You too, Greenie."

"What? In the same one as him?!" I raised my eyebrows in shock. "Have you forgotten why we're even in here?"

"Of course not," Alby replied calmly.

"Well then you know we'll end up killing each other!" I protested, flabbergasted that Alby could possibly think that this was a good idea.

"And you know it will end in banishment if that happens. Now get in."

With great reluctance and a huge sigh, I got in and Alby locked the cage. I stayed on one side with Gally on the other. We both sat in awkward silence, ignoring each other as best as we could with the limited space we had.

And, as if my situation couldn't get any worse, the sun had set, basking the Glade in darkness and what was more? It. Was. Freezing; I didn't even have anything to keep me warm.

An hour passed by without him or me making any attempt at a conversation. That was a huge relief - who would want to talk to him anyway?

I can't lie, I got bored. So bored, that even speaking to Gally started to become an option. A terrible, horrible, I'd-rather-be-doing-anything-else option, but an option nonetheless.

"Gally-" I started.

"No," he said flatly, cutting me off.

"I was just gonna-"



"What part of 'no' don't you understand, shank?" he spat, fixing me with his signature scowl.

"You didn't even listen to what I was gonna say!" I argued.

"I don't really care. I'm going to bed. Anything to get this night over and done with." With that, Gally stuck his middle finger up at me and tried to fall asleep. In all honesty, I'd be both surprised and impressed if he got even a minutes rest.

Not long after, I managed to fall asleep, having the advantage over him of not being freakishly tall, meaning I took up less space and had more of a chance of falling asleep.


"Olivia!" I turned around and saw my brother frantically running up to me, madly waving his arms above his head.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worry etched onto my face. He looked distraught. I'd never seen him like this before.

"You need to come. They're here," he told me gravely.

The colour from my face drained. I couldn't move. My brother took my hand and led me back inside our house. He was right. They were here.

"Come with us," one of the guards said, roughly grabbing onto my shoulder.

"Let me say bye first!" I pleading, trying to wriggle free.

With a sigh, they let go of me and I rushed to my parents. I hugged them tightly and felt salty tears fall down their face.

"It's ok, Olivia. We'll be fine. Look after yourself and your brother," mama instructed me.

"Don't make me go," I begged.

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