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"Get up" Severus said hitting Marcelline with a pillow but all she did was groan. "Get up Marcelline or The Dark Lord will have mines and your head on a stick" he said and she huffed sitting up.

"I'm not scared of him" she said yawning.

"Yeah well I am so get up and get ready a healer is coming to see you" he said leaving the room before she could even comprehend what he was saying.

She knew she should let the healer see her. She didn't want to though. She didn't want to worry Tom's head even though her aching body screamed for medical help. Her lungs felt like they were drying up. She had been sleeping so much now that it is almost impossible to wake her.

She threw on a tshirt and a pair of black joggers and went downstairs. "You look like a mudblood" Tom said putting down his paper.

"Yeah well I don't exactly have it in me to be the "dark lords princess" today" she said sarcastically.

"I'm only excusing your attitude today because I know you aren't feeling well" he said getting up closer towards her.

"Whatever" she said rolling her eyes at him and going into the other room. She sat down on the leather black couch and found herself fallen asleep again. She didn't understand why she has been so tired.

How long has she slept? An hour? Maybe two? She doesn't exactly know but she knows that one minute she was fast asleep on the couch and the next Severus was violently shaking her. Now she sat at her bed as Tom paced the room and the healer sat beside her examining her body.

"Your body has been incredibly weakened" he said waving his hands over her head and slowly going down.

"Yes we know that-" Tom started.

"Tom be quiet!" she said running out of patience. Tom suddenly stopped pacing and stared at her and the man ignored her loudness and kept moving down.

"I think I may have found the problem" he said rubbing his hands together as she sat up and Tom ran over and sat next to him.

"You said have you have had a lot of dark magic practice right?" He said and she and Tom nodded.

"It seems that your body is taking all of its supplements and vitamins and energy into your stomach. Ms.Dubois....you are pregnant.." he said and her face dropped but Tom started laughing.

"That's insane! You're insane. Go we're calling someone else" he said getting angry.

"I believe it is true my lord. Because her body had so much dark magic, it is failing at keeping the babies healthy; so your body is slowly draining everything of its good sources for your baby." He said and her heart completely dropped.

"What do you mean draining?" Tom said flaring his nostrils.

"I believe Ms.Dubois has until the babies are born to live, then she will be no more" he said quietly and Tom stood up.

"You're lying! YOU ARE LYING" he said yelling in the man's face.

"I'm afraid I'm not my lord. Give me your hands. I can show you" he said and Tom looked at Marcelline who Just stared blankly at the wall. The healer took his hands and muttered an small spell.

Boom, Boom, Boom

Boom, Boom, Boom


"You hear that? Two perfectly healthy hearts. Twins. The other, is Ms.Dubois dying heart. Slowly fading away for her babies to live" he said and Tom stood up.

"There has to be a way to fix this! FIX THIS NOW!" He said grabbing the man by the collar. His face was so incredibly red.

"I'm sorry my lord but there is nothing I can do. She is going to die-"

"AVADA KADRVA" he said yelling and the man's old body dropped to the floor and lose its color. Marcelline looked at him. Tears pouring down her face.

"Go Tom" she said quietly.

"No we can fix this-"

"I SAID GO!" She said screaming and Tom flared his nostrils again as he stormed out of the room.

Tears threatening to shed from his cold dark eyes.

This couldn't be happening. His love? His everything? He swore to protect her from everything that could harm her. How could this be happening.

The only harmful threat he didn't protect her from...

Was himself




Fate •T.Riddle• BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now