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Marcelline Dubois didn't want friends. She thought it was a waste of time to sit and converse with people who aren't even on the same intellect as her. She was very closed off. She talked to very few teachers but no one barely hears her voice but she is stern. She knows her place and she will not tolerate idiocy.

Besides being an overall very talented student, people would often call her a sight for sore eyes. Pale skin with dark hair and eyes as green as emeralds. She knew people thought so highly of her but could care less as they were weak minded. When Tom Riddle came and proposed that they should converse more and became on first name basis, she felt accomplished with herself.

She doesn't want to. Sure he would be a great person to discuss topics with but she could never see herself being 'friends' with him. The thought of it makes her want to vomit. The thought of putting her feelings into another person who was inevitably going to end up hurting her was pathetic and she would rather suffer a horrible death than to ever put her trust in another human being; they just weren't reliable.

When she found herself at the same table a week later from her interaction with Riddle, she found that there was another book across from her, like there was someone sitting there. She decided that someone just completely forgot to put the book back and decided to ignore it.

She was deep in her book when she heard the chair squeak and someone take a seat across from her at the very same table. She looked up and Tom Riddle was sitting there with his head in a book like he had never left. Sure it was a compliment when he had proposed they should see each other again, but she never thought for it actually would happen.

"Hello Marcelline" Tom said not looking up but feeling her Slytherin eyes staring at him, which lately he had found himself drawing late at night.

"Hello Tom" she said putting her head back in her book.

"Did you find anything interesting with that book about Ancient Dark Magic" Tom said after a minute of silence.

"Nothing I didn't know before. Just more facts and dates." She said remembering the book being quite boring for she had knew about everything they had wrote about.

"Marcelline you seem like a sensible girl, do you mind if I pick your brain for a minute" Tom said calmly closing his book. She looked at him but decided to close her book too, seeing his smirk grow a little more as she did so.

"I've heard things that you don't particularly talk to many people. I've heard rumors that are very obscure but I decided to let you talk for yourself instead of believing such childish rumors" Tom said.

"I don't waste my time on childish people. For they would never understand my beliefs and could never hold a conversation with me. They are much to weak minded and this shall be the downfall for said people. I know about the rumors they say about me but I am quite happy you aren't so simple minded to believe them"

"So I know about your family, I know your lineage. How did a family of pure blood slytherin produce a Ravenclaw?" He said.

"I don't care about these houses. These houses are just where we are staying in our time at Hogwarts, I could care less which one I was in. I care about how much I can learn from my little time in Hogwarts and what I can do with what I learned. I wanna change the world, Riddle. These houses are simply just my sleeping quarters while I am preparing" Marcelline said smirking a little as she talked.

Tom Riddle was quite shocked. He had never met someone so identically like him. He needed to know more.

"So Tom Riddle, let me pick your brain for a bit too. Why did you all of a sudden start talking to me?" Marcelline said.

"I was originally planned to crucify you for ignorantly hurting one of my most trusted friends; but if I am being quite honest, you shocked me. You talk with such superiority, like you know you are better than everyone in this castle. I slightly admire it but I see you more as an equal now. Before you were just a stupid little girl whom had a slight better brain than most, but you shocked me, Marcelline Dubois." He said smirking at small girl who never faltered under his gaze like most did.

"I would love to pick your brain more but I must get going, I have to attend one of Slughorns dinner parties. Did he invite you?" Marcelline said gathering her things.

"He did. I'm afraid I cannot go this time; do give my best wishes to Slughorn and tell him I wasn't feeling well" Tom said and Marcelline laughed slightly at the thought he was lying. Tom Riddle was up to something, something devious and Marcelline was determined to find out.

"It's a shame, maybe we could continue our conversation. I will see you around Tom Riddle" Marcelline gave him a small smile before walking from the table, leaving Tom in his very thoughts again. He had this urge to go after her. An urge to find out what this mysterious girl knew. What her beliefs are and if they shared the same interest. Her voice kept replaying in his head,

"I wanna change the world riddle"


Fate •T.Riddle• BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now