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"I think believe someone knew we were gonna be here. I think we have a little rat on our hands." She said as Tom walked out of the bathroom. It's been two days since that incident between the two and they both decided to just ignore it. Well Marcelline did.

Tom walked out with just a towel wrapped around his body. His body was wet from the shower and all his muscles perfectly reflected off of it. She found herself staring but Tom knew already.

"We will deal with that when we get back." He said grabbing clothes. He threw a black shirt on and walked over to where his pants on. "Turn around darling, unless you wanna see-" she cut him off by turning around making him laugh. She heard the towel drop and it took everything in her not to peak.

"Here I cut you some fruit" she said sliding him the bowl as he sat down at the table. He smiled and very willingly took the bowl. She loved seeing him like this. Joking around, not so stressed, actually smiling. It was a beautiful sight.

"Right well once we find what we need and succeed with it, I have someone we should visit while we are here." She said and he looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"His name is Achillies. Hawthorn. He is the son of the man you crucio'd at my house" she said slightly smiling as she thought. God when she talks like that it does things to Tom.

"The man was actually a collector. I suspect his imprisonment should be coming up soon and I made it very clear I will not be attending any funeral or court. His son will find an excuse to throw a party. So I'm gonna question him about a few things." She said and his eyes glistened at the word collector.

"I think he may know where the locket of Slytherin is" she said smirking and his eyes flash a scarlet red. She noticed it does that sometimes when he is angry or particularly thinking evil. She suspects it's from the Horcrux.

"You are brilliant" he said popping a strawberry in his mouth.

She had lost a little bit of weight over the few weeks in Albania. She was a bit more, free hearted if that the word. Tom loved it. She walked around like the world could not touch her but he can. He loved having things others cannot.

And if they had them, he will simply take them.


"Tom!" She said knocking on a tree.


He ran over to where she was and listened to where she was knocking.


"This is it! I can feel it!" He said. He sounded like a kid in a candy store.

"Revealio" he said pointing his wand at the tree. A small entrance opened and the both popped their head down there. It was calling them. It was like a song.

"It's a small space" she said. He nodded in agreement

"I'll go in" she said


"I can fit down there. I'll grab it and apparate out" she said. She handed him her bag that was around her shoulder.

"Marcelline there could be things down there-"

"I can handle myself" she said tightening her ponytail. She then lifted her leg into the tree and the other one. "I'll see you on the other side Riddle" she said and slid down.

The slide was made up of mud as sticks that cut her as she slid. She finally landed and pointed her wand.


The room lit up. It looked like an only classroom of some sort. Books were scattered all over the place. There was a torn bed in the corner and a desk. She quickly went over to the desk and started pulled open it's drawers. She found endless amounts of papers but no sign of the diadem.

There was a ticking noise. She didn't know what it was but it seemed to be getting closer and closer. She then heard it more clearly.

A growl.

She slowly turned around and the huge Nundu was faced her, mouth dripped wet. She held her breath staring in its eyes. She knew one slightest of movements would be her death.

It's eyes were staring right at her. It looked at her like she was a fresh meal, and to the Nundu she was. She then whispered, "imperio" and suddenly it's eyes went faded. She planted false memories in its head. Memories of him with a feast. Like that was happening now. She slowly moved to the side and looked to see what he was guarding.

In the corner sat a small box. Inside the box was something shiny and Marcelline knew that was it. She had to stay focused and quiet. Any slight noises would disrupt the spell.


She looked down and seen a broken bone under her foot.

The Nundu then marched at her and she ran for the box. She grabbed it and right as she did it's claws slashed through her stomach as she was mid apparating. Her screams awoken Tom whom was listening so carefully. He heard the pop from the apparition noise.

"Marcelline!" He yelled running around. The worst images popped up in his head. He didn't know what to think.

"Marcelline!" He yelled again and started running faster. She could be on the brink of death and he can't even find her. He then saw her leg in the corner. The river!

He ran as fast as he could towards where she was. The sight was horrific. Her shirt was completely slashed and blood was scattered all around her and in the river. He ran and quickly got to her side.

"Marcelline!" He said grabbing her face but she was out. Her breathing was faint but there. Tom had to think clearly.

He opened her bag and quickly pulled out the dittany. He put a few drops on her stomach which was now closing up. He watched as her breath evened out and he let out a big sigh of relief.

"Tom" she whispered. It was barely audible and her eyes were still closed. Tom looked to see if he had heard her or did he just imagine it.

"The box" she whispered again. His eyes were directed to a small box a few inches from her hand. He was so busy he hadn't noticed it. He grabbed it and opened the box and there it stood in all its glory. The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw.

He saw her smile a little bit and then She was out.

Fate •T.Riddle• BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now