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He did not need to show her something. Actually they just stayed in the Room of Requirement for most of the time chatting.

A week has gone by and it is now the first weekend. Marcelline was starting to notice that Tom did indeed not let people look at her. It was annoying, yet comforting.

"Did you know that Dumbledore has a Phoenix?" He suddenly said making her look up.

"Yeah his name is like Fawkes or something." She said going back to the book she was reading.

"Phoenix tears have a very powerful healing property. He must have gotten it from somewhere" he said.

"I think it's a family thing. Why are you so obsessed with Dumbledore?" She said putting down her book.

"I'm not obsessed. I'm trying to learn him. He is our biggest enemy. We need to know what his weakness is" he said and she shrugged.

"Are you going to Orion's party?" She asked him. "If you're going then I will be there" he said back.

They sat in silence. It was comforting. They did not need to speak to each other to appreciate one another. Their minds collide in a way that words do not explain.

"Hello Tom" someone said and she looked up. A beautiful blonde girl with bright blue eyes stared at him. He looked at her then back at Marcelline. "I'll be right back" he said to Marcelline and walked with the girl who's name she did not know.

She was tall. She smelled of daisies and vanilla. She was everything Marcelline wasn't. She watched them talk. She watched Tom place his hand on her arm and watch the girl's face grow red. It made her itch with madness. She grew very angry before he came back.

"Who was that?" She asked him as he sat down.

"Her name is Pandora Fawcelt" he said with no further introduction. She had never seen that girl before but now the planted image of her face cut from her body was in her head.

"She's pretty. She your girlfriend?" She said with a sudden attitude that caught herself and Tom off guard. He looked at her then smirked. "Do I detect jealousy?" He said with a playful smile on his face. She suddenly in a swift motion grabbed her books and put them in her bag.

"I'm not jealous." She said and left him at the table it all started from.


She was in fact jealous.

I mean she had literally killed people for this man.

And he goes and flirts with another girl.

She rolled her eyes at her own thoughts. She was sitting in the Ravenclaw common room. She didn't know what was wrong with her. She was starting to question her sanity. Her skin itched with anger since she seen him touch that girl.

She knew she should not be feeling like this. They were not in a relationship. The feeling of that made her want to throw up. She had no reason to feel like this.

But she does.

"You look like you can use some company" someone said sitting across from her. She looked up and locked eyes with golden yellow ones staring at her. He was a pale man with bright blonde hair. It almost looked like Abraxas but missed the cocky face.

"I don't like company" she said back. His smile never faded.

"Oh I'm very aware of that. Today you looked, exceptionally lonely though." He said and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"You're watching me?" She said.

"We all kind of do. You're very different from the rest of us. They swear you're gonna end up like the next Grindewald but I think other wise. You intrigue me." He said and held out his hand.

"Christian Riveldawn" he said and she stared at his hand.

"Marcelline Dubois" she said hesitated to shake it.

"I've wanted to introduce myself for a while. You are quite, intimidating though. Never had a good chance. Then you started hanging out with Riddle and I really never saw you" he said.

"Would you like to go to Astronomy Tower with me? I have something that you might like to see" he said.

The party was going on. She knew she told Tom she would be there.

He's probably with that blonde bitc-

"I would love to" she said smiling back at him.

Fate •T.Riddle• BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now