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"Tom, why are we in the girls lavatory?" Marcelline said glancing at the girls bathroom. Tom was staring at himself in the reflection. "I came in here once a couple months ago, some first year mudbloods were out late so it was only my duty to punish them. I then found this" he said staring at the sink. Marcelline walked closer and seen what he was looking at, on the side of the sink was a snake. She widened her eyes.

"The chamber of secrets?" She whispered and he chuckled. "I have been looking for it, that's why I was gone for a while. I found it now and I spend most of my time down there, taking care of it if you say" he said and she looked at him.

He started speaking in a language she couldn't understand but knew it was Parsletongue. Suddenly the sink turned into a hole in the floor. "I will go first, I will yell down when I'm there and I will catch you" he said and she nodded. She saw him jump down and after a minute she heard a thud. "Your turn" she heard and even though she couldn't see him she knew he was smirking. She closed her eyes and jumped down the hole that seemed more like a slide. Suddenly she flew and landed on top of something. She opened her eyes to see Tom below her holding her close to his chest. His hands firmly placed on his waist. "Sorry" she said getting up.

She looked around and seen a great big door with snakes as locks. "God he loves his snakes" she muttered but Tom heard her and chuckled. He stood behind her and placed his big hands on her waist again and she tensed. "This is only the beginning" he whispered so lightly in her ear she could have mistaken it for the wind.

He started speaking again in the lost language and suddenly the snakes started unbolting from the door. He took her hand in his and led her inside the door that is now opened. She saw a big long hallway with a statue of Salazar Slytherin staring at her, like she didn't belong here. Wide mouthed snakes along the side with some sort of liquid that did not look like water.

She looked around in amazement. Tom watched the girl stare at every place she could, trying to take it all in. "Tell me again why you weren't placed in Slytherin?" He said and her eyes finally met his. "I don't care about the houses" she said.

"It must have been a possibility" he said ignoring her comment. She looked at him and sighed.

"I sort of picked it. The hat was almost certain I would excel in Slytherin but both of my parents were Slytherins, and out of spite I chose Ravenclaw and the hat agreed to put me in the house" she finally said. Tom chuckled at her.
"Such stubbornness"

He walked closer to her and lifted her head with his finger under her chin. "Close your eyes Darling" he said and she hesitated. "Do as I say Marcelline" he said with a stern voice. He spoke with such power. She closed her eyes and felt his hand rub her cheek then he left her. She heard him speak in the language and what sounded like stone moving. "Keep your eyes closed until I say you can open" he said and then she heard it.

A big hiss and the wet floor moving as something slithered along it. Tom spoke lightly to the object. "You can open" he said and she opened her eyes to be met with the side of a huge Basilisk. "She listens to me. She agreed not to look at you" Tom said and she nodded looking at the great beast.

"You can pet her, if you want" he said taking Marcellines hand and pushed it to pet the slimey serpent. "This is what you do when you are not around?" She said. "Most of the time I am down here" he answered.

He spoke lightly and the Basilisk moved away so it was just them two. " I have another surprise" he said. "Turn around" he said and she obliged. He stepped closer to her back and she could feel her back against his chest. He suddenly reached for her hair to push it out of the way and placed a necklace along her neck. Marcelline was so in shock. She felt him lock it but did not move from behind her. "Happy late birthday, Marcelline" he whispered in her ear.

She glanced down at the necklace. It was absolutely stunning. It was a gold chain with a small green emerald in the middle. "I found it in Little Hangleton and immediately thought of you" he whispered again and she almost forgot he was there. She felt his fingers trail up and down her back. "It's beautiful" she finally said. She had this big smile on her face that she couldn't control.

"Turn around" he demanded and she turned around. "It more beautiful on you than I imagined" he said staring at the girl. They both stood there staring at each other. Both not knowing what to do. Both scared to make a move.

"I know you are going to make Horcruxes." She finally said and his eyebrows lifted.

"I will help you" she said and he smirked.

He has her right where he wants her.

Fate •T.Riddle• BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now